× Dancing in The Dark ×

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TW: None, but if you're homophobic then there's LGBTQ here :)
Genre: Songfic, Angst, Comfort: Ed Sheeran, Perfect.
Setting: Season 7 HermitCraft
"Grian talking"
"Mumbo talking"
"Flashbacks, Etc."
Inner Voices


Grian's POV

Yet another day has passed on the Hermitcraft server, another moon glows up in the night sky, I'm rather quite fascinated by the hue of the moon, 'it's touche' I thought, I whimper a giggle from my dry throat, realizing...

"Wow I have been silent all day!"

Surprised, I chuckled on my realization, and wondered, 'well atleast I know why t'was quiet on the last hours, I haven't left my base for hours!' Another chuckled escaped my mouth.

"I need to sort out this rocky blabber" I smiled.

I stood up the roof of my mansion and flew to the little lake that was between my hobbit hole and my friend's snail, landing gracefully on the derpy ground, I kneel down, and replenish my dry throat, looking down the water, I saw a reflection of a man, flying above the skies, I was very happy bout' the sighting, yet confused at the same time, 'Who in the world would travel late at night?'. Curious, I followed the mystery man from the sky, stopping what I was doing, standing up and launching above the midnight sky.

'This mystery man, or woman is going somewhere, better catch up with the lad!' I thought as I pull more fireworks to gain more speed.

I was about to catch up with this man, humming in cheer and excitement, reaching out my hands on his or her elytra like superman catching a villain, suddenly he made a turn to the left. I jolted, panicked and utterly was dumbfounded that I didn't noticed that I was about to crash into my gigantic base! I squeal, I squealed in panic.

But suddenly, the man pulled up, my hands now around his shoulder, flying out of the menacing situation, 'My opportunity to unravel this silhouette of a man!' I thought, as we were flying by the midnight breeze, I checked my communicator, my other arm still clenching on his shoulder.

"My goodness! It's eleven o'clock in the evening lad! How are you still awake on this time?"

"Could ask you the same thing Grian" The familiar voice spoke. In my years or rather a year and a few months in the Hermitworld, I reckon this voice belongs to...


"Yes Grian?"

"Care to explain where you're going in the middle of the night mate?"

"I was looking for concrete aight."

"I don't think the shopping district is behind my enormous base."


"Answer me Mumbo! Or did the cat got your tongue?"

"Fine! You got me, I was looking for you, I haven't seen you in days!"

"D-Days? What do you mean?"

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