× Gowns and Suits ×

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TW: None :3
Genre: Fluff? Idk anymore- LGBTQ Haters out btw- but i think it's fluff-
Setting: Season 8 HC
"Grian talking"
"Mumbo talking"
"Flashbacks, Etc."
Inner Voice
Name: "Another Person talking"
"Idk what to call this-"


Mumbo's POV

"Finally! Done with this mess."

I was wiping off the dust on my suit, walking back and staring at the monstrosity of a build I made. I was trying to build the centerpiece of my megabase, the statue. It looks fine to me since, the back is finished, sorta.

"What did you do at the back of the mansion!"

"Grian- I uh, finished the back." I gave a cheeky grin.

"It's not done you idiot, you just wrote-"

"I know, I know."

"I did back lol."


"Well atleast you did the back HAHAHAHAHA"

"How's your base going along?"

"Good, just, the back isn't finished like yours HAHAHAHAH"

"Alright I get it, I get it, but it is done tho."

"For now hahaha, but you need to change mate! Your clothes are messier than mine."

"I uh-"

"You what?"

"This is my last black suit."

"Can't you wear anything other than your suit?"

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I only wear suits."

Yes, I only wear suits, morning, night, even when sleeping, I like to be formal, but Grian, oh no he didn't like the sound of me only wearing suits, well I can already tell by the look of his face, he looked mad.

"Well Mumbo."

"Are you mad I only wear suits?"

"I'm frankly disappointed, not furious."

"You seem mad."

"I'm not I'm telling you, I'm just dissatisfied that you only wear suits."

"Grian it's okay, if your mad mate."

"I'm not alright! Just disappointed."

"Admit it Grian! You're F***ing angry."

'Oh dear what have I done.' I quickly covered my mouth, my adrenaline and pressure was up the charts, Grian REALLY looked mad. Why wouldn't he tho, I just swore, and, I'm suddenly realizing im dead.

Grumbo One-ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя