× Pocky! ×

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TW: None, Homophobic people can leave.
Genre: Shenanigans
Setting: HermitCraft Season 7 (After the turf war)
"Grian talking"
"Mumbo talking"
"Flashbacks, Etc."
Inner Voices
Name: "Another Person talking"


Grian's POV

"It is very clear, that the mycelium resistance has won the war!"

Etho: "Woo! We can finally end this war."

Bdubs: "Couldn't agree more Etho!"

"We all have to replace the mycelium first."

Stress: "Yeah, that's kinda a problem-"

"Well, let's go! Let's clean up our mess Scar"

Scar: "Yeah, let's go clean up your mess, hahaha."

"Your so mean Scar, but I would like the celebrate our victory mate."

Scar: "Discuss that after we're done cleaning up."

"Ok, ok!"

We all stop blistering with chatter and headed down to the infested shopping district 'Which the resistance did.'. But we hermits are very responsible on our actions, well they are, I'm kinda fifty-fifty on the responsibility part, but we know what's right and wrong, so we basically replaced all the mycelium with grass.

A few hours had passed and all of the mycelium were gone like they were never there, we finally cheered that the war is over and I, proposed a party at my mansion. They can bring anything they would like, I won't have any care, we just needed rest from the war.

"Hermits! I have conducted a party just for this occasion, moreover I have seen some of you are very hard working with their shops and bases, we need leisure!"

Joe: "Yeah, sound great!"

False: "I haven't left my base since the turf war begun.."

"Sounds like a plan!"

Xisuma: "I might not attend, I have work to do."

"Xisuma, you're the admin, and like False, you haven't left your quarters since the turf war begun! Everyone needs leisure once in a while-"

Xisuma: "Very sorry Grian, I can't, but I'll bring something before I go!"

"Oh, ok then Xisuma, but I hope you rest! Any other people who is too busy?"

All: "..."

"Excellent! Please all be there at 8pm exact! I hope to see you soon."

I have told as I shoot out the sky on the orange sunset. 'Gotta prepare for the party!'.

As I was heading towards my base, my dear friend, Mumbo came around.

Grumbo One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now