Chapter 3

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(Next day)

Nearing at the school I see that Sona standing at the front gate to greet me again.

Keith: "Morning Sona."

Sona: "Morning Keith, I hope you have a great day!"

Keith: "You too."

Sona: "Hmmm... seem that Issei and Saji has decided that they doesn't want to come to school today."

Keith: "Don't worry about that pervert he has no right to disrespect you or the school."

She smile when I said that.

Sona: "Thanks, Keith!"

After we finish talking, Sona storming off angrily toward the school as I headed for classes. Oh poor Issei, you piss off girls even after death.


After school was over, I went back home meeting Sakuya who cleaning and guarding my house in case of someone trying to sneak into my home.

I went to my bedroom and check my new stats.

Keith Vermillion

LVL - 60

Class - Pyromancer - LVL 50/100

2nd Class - Alchemist - LVL 10/50

Race - Human

HP - 3400 [680 per min]

MP - 12500 [7500 per min]

STR - 135

END- 170

DEX - 110

INT - 625

WIS - 625

CHA - 100 X 5 = (500)

LUK - 110

Points -Locked

MP Regen = WIS X 12

MP = INT X 20

HP Regen = END X 4

HP = END X 20

Perk Add:

[First Impression] (CHA-100)

Gain a random amount of Affection with a person the first time you meet them.

I has decided to uses my gacha tokens since I have more tokens from my last night as usually I pull out three of my gacha tokens from my inventory as I saving my rest of my token for later and tap all three of them at one.

[Digi Egg]

Can be hatched into a random digimon as your partner.

[Aura of Concealment] (Active/Passive)

Aura that allows the user to conceal their magic abilites and their true strength from other who can sense magic.

[Companion Gem: Android 18 (Android Saga)]

This gem summon Android 18 from Dragonball z

This Aura skill is a bit too late to has since all the devil or even the fallen might have already notice that I have magic and how strong I am, but still useful to hide that the fact I am getting stronger than before over time.

The Egg however is interesting, I always wanted a pokemon or digimon that battle by my side that sounds amazing. I pull out the egg out of my inventory, pokemon egg is white with yellow marks on it, the egg in a glass case. I wonder what kind of digimon I will get?

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