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So this is a small chapter just to start the book, if this gets more attention I will start posting more chapters. I dunno if anyone will like it, but the idea of the book came at like midnight and I always wondered what it would be like if one direction reformed with Zayn. It's not really edited, sorry.


I can't believe it, One direction is forming again. I mean yeah I'm excited I get to be in the band that I loved so much since day one; form once more, with new management and everything, but what am I supposed to do, Zayn is coming back and I haven't talked to him since we broke up. I'm not sure what to do, the boys always knew about are relationship, it was always there since 2012. I mean we always did like each other, just never happened until a little later, Zayn always joked saying that he didn't want to date a little boy, so we waited until I turned eighteen. It's hard, we broke up during the final tour, a day before Zayn left. It was a nasty breakup, I remember going to a bar; got drunk. Zayn seems way happier now than he ever has before, maybe it was me, or management. The other boys say it was not my fault Zayn was unhappy but I still blame myself everyday. Tomorrow we are meeting up for the first time in years, to say I'm nervous is an understatement. I still can't believe Zayn agreed to come back, he hated the band. Maybe even us boys, I mean he did say in an interview we never got along, biggest lie ever,  well aside from the 'we never really spoke.' I cried for weeks when I heard he said that. I was hurt and I had the right to be. I also went to a bar and got drunk. Zayn was like a trigger to me from then on. His name was one thing I made sure was never brought up in interviews.
Apparently Zayn decided to return because he had a fallout with his management, he just wants to do music as long as he has a say in it, unlike last time. It was music none of us really had a say in but Zayn had it the worst. He was treated like shit and it just got worse as time went by. Not to mention that we were all under strict contracts where we couldn't even say anything about it to the public. Simon and his stupid company took a toll on all of us, another reason why all of us said we would come back only if it was different people.
My eyes were really not wanting to open the next day, of course they didn't it was five in the morning, Liam said that we have to meet at eight. I really didn't understand the need to see each other that soon.
I made my way up after ten minutes of just laying there, sulking. I also managed to make my way out of the door at seven, giving me enough time to drive to Louis' house. Somehow Louis and Zayn made up, actually Zayn made up with all the boys just not me of course. It made sense, I know he is only going to be back in the band for the reunion, I am too. I like my solo career and have no intentions of staying for long. The reunion will last about a year, enough for us to make another album, our last one, and then go on tour for the last time as well. This is all just to make up to our fans.
Driving took awhile, I was tense the whole time, surprised I didn't crash. I parked soon at Louis' to find that Zayn of course was already here, I was the last one. Of course. I was usually the last one to places back in the day. Oh how I missed those days. Even though we are coming back I know it won't be the same, never will. Awkwardness and distance will be a very new thing, I know we won't click like we used to.
I took a deep breath, sighing as I exited the safety of my car. I made my way to the front door and knocked, I was looking at my feet I didn't see who opened the door, but I could tell who it was by the voice, "Hey Harry." A smooth and rich Bradford voice spoke, only then did I look up.

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