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"Hey Zayn." I spoke softly as I looked up. Zayn was not looking at me just the door handle where his hand still rested. He wasn't holding onto the door as in a need for support, like he used to. Instead he just simply had it rested there. I was proud of him he was doing so much better.
"The other boys are in the kitchen." Zayn spoke, now looking me in the eyes, "You and I don't need to speak, just in public so no one suspects anything."
That hurt, "oh please, they already know that we don't like each other anymore." I said walking into the house, kicking off my shoes, "you made up with all the boys, except me even made it public."
"You're still the bitch I knew from before."
I turned around and looked him dead in the eyes, "You can't call me a bitch, since you hardly know me, because you know 'we never really talked.'" I swiftly turned around, not missing the eye roll Zayn gave me.
Walking into the kitchen I was greeted by Liam, "Harry!" He exclaimed, I was soon hosted into a big hug. Louis soon tackled us, along with Niall. The four of us broke apart perfectly timed with when Zayn walked into the room.
"So are we gonna talk or are we just gonna stare at each other." Niall spoke abruptly, after a long pause of silence.
"Yeah that's a good idea, last one to the table is gay!" Shouted Louis, as he and Niall raced to the table.
Liam walked over as well, "please now let's not be children."
Louis ignored him, "so it's now between those two, who is the gay one." Making Niall laugh at the remark.
"Oh wait it's both of them," Niall pitched in. All three boys began a fit of laughter. I simply rolled my eyes, and Zayn scoffed. Sometimes I hated those boys.
Hours later we were still sitting at the table, hardly anything had gotten done except for a lot of jokes and laughing. I sighed, I was so bored. Zayn glanced at me for a second, however when I looked back he quickly looked away. That made me a little sad.
"So boys, it's been three hours how about we stop for today." Liam asked, we were all tired and it was noon now so I was getting hungry. I could hear Niall's stomach grumble, I mean of course it would. "Okay so Niall is hungry, I can order some lunch if you guys want."
"Please," Niall groaned, "I'm starving." The boys bursted into laughter, everyone knew Niall needed his food.
It was now ten at night, we were all still at Louis' house, I had no intentions of leaving, no way was I gonna drive this late at night. I guess all the other boys had the same plan, so now it was one of ours famous sleep overs.
Louis came down the stairs after organizing himself for bed. "Alright boys I only got two rooms, one has two queens in it, and then my room." Louis' face soon turned into a devilish smile, that only meant one thing, he had something planned, "who is sleeping with who."
"Ni and I can sleep together, he doesn't take up much space anyway." Liam joked.
"I don't want to sleep with any of you peasants, so that leaves Zayn and Harry, you can have my room." His face was still extremely evil like, and I knew he had something planned, and yep he did.
"That's not funny, Tomlinson." Zayn yelled right at Louis. Although I could see his cheeks heating up, just like mine.
"Oh well to bad, you don't really have a Choice," at this point Li and Ni couldn't stop laughing and it was making me mad too.
Twelfth at night was when we settled down, I went up a little earlier, because I was tired and maybe by the time Zayn came in I would be already asleep so we didn't need to talk. Sure enough half hour later I was laying in bed basically asleep, when Zayn entered the room. Some shuffling around later and I felt a dip in the bed, and the blanket being lifted. I was about to pass out when I heard a small whisper, "goodnight Haz." Again there was the rich Bradford voice I love so much.
I woke up later in the morning, around ten. I could feel that Zayn was still in the bed, I was hoping he was still asleep so I could get out of bed, but when I turned around still laying down, there he was with his gorgeous golden eyes, looking at me sleepily. "Hello." I said sheepishly, Zayn made me so nervous.
That's all I got in return. We just stayed like that for minutes, neither of us really wanting to get up nor look away. It all changed though when three boys came barging in the room. Shouting like there was no tomorrow. "Wake up!" An Irish voice spoke.
"Yeah we have a last minute interview." A tall muscular one spoke.
Zayn mumbled under his breath, I could tell he didn't want to go to an interview. Who would?
"Oh wow look at these two, they both just want to stay in the same bed all day don't they." Louis was annoying like usual, "guess they don't hate each other as much as they say, maybe even love each other."
"Shut up Louis!" Zayn barged in, now getting up.
"Why do we have an interview, it's not like we are officially back together yet." I asked, I just wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day.
Liam helped pull me out of bed, "it's because we are getting together, and well I don't really know."
We had a van come pick us up just like we used to have. There was chatter through out the car, I however stayed silent, Zayn was talking, I thought that was good. I just didn't feel the need to speak. I felt like a black sheep with these boys, they all had managed to bond again, just not me I was too busy with tours. I felt a pair of eyes burning into my head, and it didn't take many guesses to know who. I looked up from my feet to look across from me, and sure enough there was Zayn looking right at me. I looked into his eyes as he did the same. Just the two of us looking into each other for the rest of the ride.
Walking into the building was odd, I miss these days, being with the boys, however I don't miss the actual interviews, they were always annoying how the interviewers would simply pick on one person for the whole time, most of the time it was me, and I hated how the others boys never got the same amount of attention. The interview was going to be about half hour long and was starting in a couple minutes. It was gonna be relaxed no makeup, different clothes, hair stylists, just us in the interview how we are now.
Back in a room our conversation started once more, again I didn't really talk just listened. "So Harry, Zayn you two planning on just looking at each other, and sharing a bed together but not talking?" Questioned Niall.
"We don't look at each other and we had no choice on sharing the bed, thanks to Louis." At that a snicker was heard from a couple of the boys. "Also we agreed not to talk to each other."
"I mean you kind of just said we weren't gonna talk, we didn't agree on anything." I spoke instantly regretting it when I saw Zayn's face.
"Just admit it Harry you and I, there isn't anything between us," his voice was trembling, "there never was and there never will be, we only just fucked, maybe we said we dated but you know that we both just needed someone to get off on." He had stood up from the chair he was sitting on and was about to leave when a voice called out.
"Come on boys, it's time to start."

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