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I know I posted already today. But I have to many ideas I need to keep writing. It may not be well edited. Sorry

Weeks later I was sitting down stairs in the living room, no one else was home which was nice. I missed having alone time, now I see the boys everyday. Not that I'm complaining. Zayn and I haven't really talked since well we kissed, just simple sentences when we had no choice but to talk.
Louis would take any chance for Z and I to speak or do anything. And yes we were actually forced to share a room, including a bed. A couple arguments have been happening between the two of us, but then when that happens the boys try to find more ways that we could make up. So, we try not to fight anymore in front of the boys much.
I kind of missed us two hanging out, at night one of us goes to bed at least twenty minutes before the other so no talking has to happen. I have been wanting us to kiss so much since we did that one day, I only want Zayn however he doesn't want me. And I just have to deal with the fact that we weren't meant to be.
A tour is planned for later this year, it will go into some of next year as well. We have already worked on two different songs, one is almost done. That is the one I'm working on.
I was on my phone when I got a text from Niall 'Haz you and Zayn are talking tonight, just the two of you.'
I scoffed, no that was not happening, 'no, besides we could say we talked but we really won't.'
'Oh we will make sure you talk, we want a recording of the conversation.'
'You guys are creepy.'
'Not creepy, we just want the best ship in the world back.'
I sighed, the ship sank they need to get over it. We haven't had a real conversation since 2015, and it was the breakup.
I don't know if the boys were just trying to get the band happy again or if they were legitimately shipping us, either way it was annoying.
I was bored out of my mind in the living room so I began to walk up to the bedroom. There in the room was nothing special other than the giant bed and nightstands one on each side, one for me and one for Zayn. The sheets were not made, they were scattered through out the bed. Our closet was a mess, hardly any cloths were hung up, instead they were all over the floor. It was a fairly big closet yet never clean. Our floor however was not that bad, just simple things like papers and loose clothing was there. We never spend much time in our room so we didn't care about cleaning it.
I walked more into the room, sat down on Zayn's side of the bed. I looked at his nightstand, it was mostly empty on the top, just like mine. However the inside was full, the only reason why I knew that was because Zayn once left it open on accident, I was going to snoop but he was still home, just down the hall. Would Zayn find out what I was thinking?
I decided just a little peak couldn't hurt anyone, so I opened the first drawer. Nothing out of the ordinary other than a couple pens and papers. Note books that I knew were full of songs.
I opened the next drawer to find much for interesting things. A book that had the title Zayn's journal was at the top, I decided that I wasn't going to look in that. However after I lifted that I saw many, many photos of Z and I. From throughout the years, I was looking through them seeing funny ones, sad ones, and the basic ones. A couple really sexy ones were scattered throughout the pile as well. When I got to the bottom I saw a really heartbreaking on, it was a photo of Z and I on his last concert with us, I was hugging him back stage with my face buried in his chest. Turing in around I saw a note, 'I will always love you Haz. Even if we never see each other again, Zayn.'
That made me sad. I always remember the pain I had, but now that I think about it Zayn's was probably just as worse. This entire time I just thought about my feelings, I mean in the end we both agreed to go separate ways and I remember seeing the hurt in his eyes when I stormed out of the room.
I put everything back in the drawer and walked out of the room. Maybe a walk would help me calm down.
"Harry where are you?" I heard Liam ask me through the phone.
"On a walk."
Liam sighed, "we'll get home right now."
I huffed, I guess it was time to 'talk,' "Fine."
Walking into the door of our home, I could hear chatter from the kitchen. I heard a laughing, sarcastic tone of Louis and the annoyed Bradford whines of anger from Zayn.
I didn't want to interrupt their talk so I stood just outside of the of the room, listening in.
"Louis please I don't want to."
Don't want to what? "Zayn you have been talking about how you miss Harry and want to be close again, you have been like this for years."
"Well yeah but he doesn't think the same way." Oh how wrong he was.
I took this as my time to enter the kitchen, as I did both the boys heads wiped around. "Are we going to talk now?" I asked. I tried my hardest to pretend like I just came into the house. Louis looked up at me and smiled, I gave a small smile back.
"Alright boys, I will leave you two to it." Louis began to walk out of the door, "don't touch my phone or even think about stopping my recording."
Zayn mumbled something under his breath I don't know what but I didn't really care anyway.
"I think these boys are going insane." I whispered.
"You think?"
"Yeah." I rolled my eyes. I really wanted to be anywhere but here.
A couple minutes of silence past by before it was broken, "Harry this is stupid."
"What is?"
"Everything, I mean yeah whatever I'm fine with coming back as long as Simon isn't in charge which he isn't, thank god for that." Zayn took a breath then continued, it seemed he was now opening up. "Do you know what really pisses me off though."
"What?" I really hope it won't be a snarky comment.
"That the boys won't get the hint that I I'm not ready to be besties or even close with you yet."
My heart dropped, "of course you don't because everything has to be about you, it's not my fault that you started ignoring me that week before you left, I was trying to do what was better."
"No you were not, you were the one ignoring me, you never loved me." Zayn's face had the same look from that night, I could see hurt in his eyes.
"I LOVED YOU MORE THAN I FUCKING LOVED MY FUCKING SISTER !" We were both yelling now. No I didn't love him more than my sister, most likely the same, but I didn't care I needed to prove my point.
"WELL than you must have stopped, because you moved on fast getting another person, a fucking girl too." Zayn knew nothing, I didn't want to date the girl, management made me.
"I will stop loving you when they count every single grain of sand in the entire world." I exclaimed, "oh wait I will never stop loving you."
Zayn just looked at me for seconds, then those seconds turned to a minute. Then did something happen. Just like weeks ago I felt our lips connect, passion was there more than the last time. This was the person I wanted to be with, no one else.
The kissing soon stopped, but we held each other's embrace. He made me feel safe, his arms were fitting perfectly on me, the same with my head under his chin.
Zayn and I pulled away at the same time, only then did I see the tears going down his face.
"Can we agree that we aren't anything at the moment, you nor I are ready." I nodded my head, we needed time before we were one hundred percent back together. "We are good right?"
"Of course." I smiled, "you don't know how long I have waited to hear those words come out of your mouth."
Ten at night now, and all five of us were sitting there watching some sort of movie, I wasn't paying attention. It was kinda hard because Louis and Niall wouldn't stop laughing at the stupid sound recording from earlier, some who they manage to record a video too. Turns out Louis' phone was just a distraction, Niall's was hidden on the cupboards. They kept replaying are kiss, constantly. Even making annoying comments.
"These two can't keep their lips away from each other."
"So your telling me these two decided to not get back together."
"The cutest couple ever."
"We should put this on YouTube."
I rolled my eyes, those two were way to immature. I saw Zayn smirking from where he sat, pretending to not hear what they were saying.
I felt tired after another ten minutes, I wasn't enjoying the movie and the boys comments were getting really inappropriate. "I'm going to bed!" I declared. I saw Zayn look over his shoulder at me.
"I was going to do that too." I knew he didn't want to just come up with me and it being awkward but I didn't care.
"Then come on."
We walked up stairs, ignoring the kissing sounds the three boys were making. Walking into our room I felt a sense of calm, it reminded me of our old days, where we only needed each other and we felt like there were no problems in the world.
We both started undressing, on other sides of the room. I only slept in boxers and I'm guessing Zayn did to because I've had it several time now with a random person hugging me in their sleep.
I crawled under the covers, Zayn following suit. "I've missed you Z."
"Me too Haz."

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