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Months had past and Harry and I took it slow and steady but made it back together; he was my boyfriend once more. I finally felt happy and excited to go on tour, which did surprise me. We were leaving next week, to start it all off in Europe. Are album was top of the charts and was trending everywhere, people wouldn't shut up about it.
It was a stressful day however, having to start packing. I knew that after this tour we wouldn't come back to this house, I wasn't at least. It was already made official that after the tour we wouldn't really be a band anymore. We would still be friends and all but we were all happy in are solo careers. It was decided however that we would make singles for the band every once in a while, just not anything more or less.
Packing would have been more efficient if Harry wasn't cuddling up to me where I sat on the bed but I really didn't mind, I liked him close to me. "So you planning on packing soon?" I asked with a chuckle when Harry gave me a look.
"No I don't feel like it." He said lazily. I sighed, I didn't really want to either. He seemed extremely clingy today, he normally was; just not this clingy.
"What's with being all clingy to day?" I asked with a chuckle.
Harry shrugged his shoulders, "I dunno maybe because we haven't talked for so long now."
I chuckled, it was true. It felt amazing to finally be back together and I loved it. I never thought Harry would be my boyfriend again, I mean yeah not going to lie I started to see other guys when I left the band and then got a girlfriend to hide it all but Harry has always been my everything.
The other boys didn't know yet even though we got back together like three weeks ago. I'm actually really surprise that Louis or Niall haven't found out yet. We both decided we were going to tell them later today when we get on the tour bus. The fans were going to find out at our first show tomorrow night. They were also going to learn about our previous relationship as well.
"Have you thought about how we are going to tell the fans?" Harry spoke up softly.
"I dunno, I thought we were just going to tell them." I laughed.
"That's not good enough!" Harry whined and buried his face in my chest. He always needed things to be extra.
"Well then we will think of something."
On the tour bus, Harry and I had gotten on a couple minutes before and were cuddled close together on the couch. Harry was kind of spaced out a bit and I didn't blame him. The boys would question us the second they saw us. But it was apart of our plan so this was completely fine.
"You sure the boys won't be annoyed?" Harry asked in a small whisper.
I had frowned at that, "and why would they?" I asked with a chuckle. They were trying to get us together since this whole band started again. All of a sudden being annoyed that their plan worked would be very odd and confusing.
"I don't know, it's just that like, you know last time we dated they caught us all the time making out and got upset then."
I laughed, "babe trust me they weren't annoyed." I knew the weren't, "if anything they like it." I mumbled to myself.
Harry huffed, he could be a little paranoid at times.
We sat like that for a little longer when I heard the door open and three other guys enter. Louis came running towards us, and next thing I knew I could hear the high pitched squeal. "Oh my, don't fucking tell me you are dating now!"
I smirked when I saw Harry's face turn beat red and place his head on my shoulder to hide it.
Niall walked in now as well, wide grin evident, "yes finally." He exclaimed.
I sighed they knew everything and there was not a way of hiding it.
"Ok ok ok, you got us."I sighed, "we are telling the fans tonight, so don't say nothing."
"Awwww they finally did it after almost a year of them acting like they didn't still love each other." Liam chuckled also combing towards the other boys now.
Walking into that venue I could swear I saw Harry shake like a leaf in a autumn day. I rubbed his shoulder a little as we were walking in, there wasn't much else I could do, not yet at least.
"It will be okay babe." I encouraged. He gave me a soft smile as we entered the building.
Our plan was simple, we were gonna go one stage, confuse the fans by being clingy and flirty. Then near the end of the show we were gonna kiss and then act like it was completely normal.
Honestly it sounds like the best plan ever. All of us made it together, Harry really liked it as well.
I just hope the fans will too. Because if they didn't I wouldn't know what to do with my life after that.
I sighed as I jumped up and down, this was gonna be the best show ever. I just knew it.

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