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Harry stormed out of the kitchen and I was left dumbfounded, I fucked up big time. I just thought it was funny since Harry used to always say things like that in his sleep, sometimes he caused me a boner just because he said needy and sexy things in his sleep.
I felt so stupid, we were finally sort of getting along, other than the petty arguments we had but even those were starting to just become joking ones. Why did I have to be like this? I missed Haz so much but because I couldn't stand the fact that we weren't meant to be I acted so cold and harsh towards him.
The only reason I called Harry a slut was because he started dating right after we broke up. I mean yeah it was managements decision, thanks to Niall that told me that, however Harry still didn't have to kiss her every where they went.
A minute later I heard the door slam shut and knew I wouldn't see Harry for the rest of the day.
I also heard a high pitched scream of Louis yelling at me, "Zayn or Harry I don't know which one is still in the house and which one left but to whoever is still in the house: you two better not have had another argument!" Well shit I was in trouble again.
Harry may not know this but I constantly get yelled at my the other three after are arguments. When I called Harry a bitch I had a hour long lecture from Li saying that it was not right to do that just because Harry wouldn't agree with me. The when I said 'we only just fucked' I got laughed at and humiliated by Niall because he and the others knew that wasn't true.
More stomps were heard coming down the stairs and then next thing I knew, I saw three pairs of eyes glaring at me. "Please don't yell at me!" I begged, I knew what was coming.
"What the hell happened?" Liam interrogated.
"Nothing really, just another fight." I tried to sugar code.
"Oh yeah 'just another fight?'" Louis began, "then tell me why Harry just texted me saying that you took a video of him sleep talking very smutty things."
"I thought it was funny, okay." I whimpered, if Louis put it like that then yeah it sounded bad. "I'm sorry, me and him were just starting to warm up to each other."
"Well you kind of ruined that didn't you?" Niall perked up. I gave him a steady glare. It was always my fault, always.
"Z you need to fix this," Liam stated, "like right now."
"We have his location, he is at a bar." Great that meant he was drinking; again. "Go quick before he gets too drunk."
"Okay." I whispered, I started towards the front door.
"Oh and also, send me the video!" I heard Louis exclaim.
What the hell was I doing, deciding to drive all the way to the bar Harry was at, it's not like he wanted to see me. I felt god awful for what I had done this morning, I thought it was funny but I didn't realize to Harry it was most likely embarrassing.
I had parked outside, I could sort of see inside but no sight of Harry. Was I even on the right spot?
I sighed getting out of the car, I could see Harry's car, so that confirmed Harry was Indeed here. Opening the door I was greeted with almost no one. Yes the occasional person and couple at booths and one or two at the bar spot but not many. Then again it was like ten in the morning. I spotted Harry, he was slouched down at the bar just chilling with a glass of alcohol. I walked over, I tapped on his shoulder. He turned around, his eyes were glossed over and when he saw me a wife grin appeared. He was most definitely drunk.
"Harry, I think you should come home." I began, "please I'm sorry."
"Okay-y-y." He slurred out. This was going to be a mess.
I called the guys saying Harry was drunk and that his car would be left behind, the boys taking care of that. After a long time I managed to get him in the car, the back seat of course. When I tried to buckle him up he pulled me down I now was one top of him while we layer down on the back seat.
"Harry please your drunk." I begged. This was not the time nor place for this to happen.
However he ignored me as he pulled me down and placed his dry lips on mine. I tried to pull back but he wouldn't let me. He tasted like vodka, a very strong drink. I told him in the last he wasn't allowed that stuff, but I see things have changed since then.
Eventually he loosened his grip and I managed to pull away. "Haz I think it's time you sit back in your seat and buckle up, we are going home."
"But Daddy, please." I froze, he didn't just do that. He only ever did call me that when he was horny or drunk, and it felt weird for him to call me that again.
"No Harry."
I pulled him up and buckled him as fast as possible before he tried to do anything else.
Driving him home was no pleasure and the entire way he kept saying such dirty things all the way home.
"Daddy fuck my tight hole."
"I want you to suck me."
"I'm sorry I was naughty."
I tried my hardest to ignore him, but after a while it got worse. "Harry you need to shut up right now." I begged, "please, I'm sorry but you and I aren't even a thing."
"Are you breaking up with me?"
"Haz we haven't been together for years now," I sighed, "I know you are drunk but please, just stop." I felt tears pool in my eyes as the rest of the drive was silent.
Harry still wouldn't speak a word when we got home, he stayed silent but he was still glazed over. I got out of the car, and opened the backseat door. Harry looked up at me, his face was covered in tears. I felt awful but this was drunk Harry we were dealing with. He needed to understand, even if all of this would be forgotten in a few hours when he sobered up.
Zayn had managed to bring Harry into the house, again with now speaking; only a couple grumbles and moans were heard.
"Oh look who is here, mhm." Spoke the voice of Liam. I gave him a small glare as he helped me with Harry. "I think this boy is going straight to bed."

Hehe I updated again, I literally have no life that I'm just posting like every day, sometimes every couple hours.

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