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It had been months since Harry and I made up and we were doing amazing. I had finally had my best friend back, we did so much together. We may not be dating yet but we still did things that were very couple like. We kissed and cuddled and sometimes even treated each other like we were back together. However, we both decided that we didn't need to get back together because we both thought that it wouldn't end well and we were finally in a place where we were happy together.
Are album was released last week and it already was a huge hit. The directioners were going wild and buying the album like crazy. Our tour was set to start next month, and just like back in the day we had already sold out two stadiums.
I was excited yet scared at the same time, I haven't preform in a long time and I wasn't sure if I was going to do good.
Harry said I would do fine and I knew I could trust him but what if I would do something stupid or maybe a lot of people wouldn't like that I was back in the band.
I didn't know maybe it was all just in my head, it most likely was.
"Zayn!" Someone called out at me.
I looked up to see Niall staring at me, "yeah?"
"Stop ignoring me, I asked you a question." Niall complained annoyed.
"I'm sorry I dazed out."
"Well I asked you if you were coming to the club tonight?"
I sighed, clubs were something I didn't really like, "yeah no."
"Ok well that means you and Harry get the house to yourself tonight." Niall giggled. Those boys still tried to find ways for the two of us to be together. Even though we were on good terms now.
"Goodbye," I shouted as the three boys left the house and began to walk to the car. I closed the door and headed into the living room. Harry was sat on the couch on his phone, frowning at something. I patted him on his shoulder gently as I sat down, "what's wrong Haz?"
"What oh nothing," Harry sighed, "just those dam larries." I huffed at that, they always annoyed me considering the entire time they believed that Harry was dating Louis, he was really dating me.
"Oh, sounds annoying." I huffed. I wish 'Zarry' was the highest ship. Maybe it would have been if management let us go public.
"It is, although the proofs and stuff they put out are kind of funny to watch." Laughed Harry. "I mean we did act kinda you know fruity together." I had to agree, honestly at times Harry and Louis did seem like they were dating.
"You know what is really funny, yesterday I had a Zarry Stan comment on my post of you and I from like 2013; saying that we should just come clean about are relationship." Harry chuckled, oh how they knew. Some of are fans were very smart.
We both sat in comfortable silence for a while before Harry spoke up again, "I miss dating." My head whipped around to look at him, was he being serious?
I sighed, I did too but I still felt like Harry and I were not ready, "I do too."
"Then what are we waiting for?" Harry whined. He sounded so much like a kid when he did that, it was adorable.
"Do you really think we are ready for that?" I asked.
"Yeah I actually do." I groaned, he was so dam impatient. I pulled him closer, and kissed his cheek. Making him look me in the eye begging for more.
"I don't think we are yet babe."
Harry started to wiggled around a bit trying to leave my embrace. "Then don't call me babe." He was starting to stand up now, "don't lead me on either." He glared as he walked away to the kitchen.I sighed, did Harry really not get it? We weren't ready, we didn't want to end hurt again. Is that my fault? Maybe he was ready and I was not. Maybe I was ready and didn't realize it.
I thought to my self for a couple more minutes still trying to understand. Yeah Harry and I were really close now and we really liked each other, we kissed and cuddled and always shared a bed; although sharing a bed was not really are choice. I thought long and hard about it. Was I just lying to myself? I looked back at all the memories Harry and I had over the years, and for some reason it kept reminding me that the only reason we broke up was because, I myself was scared.
I smiled at how far we came now and it reminded me that we had unfinished business and that when we broke up I made a promise to myself that we would fix it over time. That was exactly what I was going to do now.
"Harry I'm sorry." I sighed as I entered the kitchen to see him making tea.
Harry look up at me with sad drawn eyes, "s'fine, I understand Zayn." He mumbled.
"No it's not fine because for months since you and I became close again I kept thinking that we shouldn't date again and that we should take our time and that we weren't ready," I sighed before continuing. "Harry you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love you so much but I don't want to ruin anything with you anymore."
"No Zayn I get it, I shouldn't be impatient." Harry responded. "I love you too."
I smiled at Harry, I always felt like we were soulmates and I couldn't ever let him go again. "You weren't impatient you were right." I smiled at him, his face beginning to blush. "I can't let you go again Haz, we aren't close to being finished."
"Oh please tell me now you want to get back together?" Harry asked.
"Yeah Harry and I mean it," I walked over to him and took his hand, "so will you be my boyfriend again?"
"No." Harry said before a smile crept up on his face, "obviously, I will you loser."
"Thank god." I exclaimed as I crashed my lips into his and I kissed him till we both were begging for more air.

They are back together!!! Anyway I think this book is almost done, I liked writing it but I like where it's going even though I started this book like 2 weeks ago and I'm already almost done lol. I have about at least three more chapters planned.

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