Demon Dust

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"Fine." Dean grumbled. "What are we going to do?"
"Not sure, but we can't wait here forever. Split up?" Asked Gabriel.
"No!" Dean snapped. "Let's go back to the motel."
Gabe shrugged, "fine. Motel it is then." He said, starting to walk towards the motel. Sam followed behind him.
Dean trudged a few feet behind them, mumbling.
A short while later, the three were back at the motel, searching everywhere for any sign of what happened to you.
"Dean! Gabe! I think I found something!" Sam yelled, kneeling down to look at the ground. He poked at a little bit of yellow dust on the ground. Then, he smelled his fingers.
Dean rounded a corner. "What'd you find?"
Sam looked up at his brother. "It's sulfur. The demons have (Y/N)."
"Well then, let's go." Dean started jogging to the Impala.
"Wait, Dean!" Sam stood up. "We have to get Gabriel!"
Dean stopped in his tracks. "Gabriel? That son of a..."
"Hey chuckleheads! Find anything?" Gabe interrupted, appearing out of nowhere.
"(Y/N) was kidnapped by demons." Sam stared at Gabriel, stone faced and unamused.
Gabriel walked over to the Impala. "Shotgun!" Gabe called.
"No. You sit in back." Demanded Dean, standing next to the driver's side door. The archangel looked disappointed but did as he was told. Sam sat in shotgun. At who knows how much over the speed limit, the Impala stormed down the highway.


It might start taking me longer to update this. I still will update it, don't worry. It just might take a bit longer so I won't always update on Mondays. Sorry!

My Guardian AngelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora