The Brotherly Chat

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You're in line waiting to order food for you, Sam, and Dean.
"Hey Sammy, what's up with you?" Dean looked over the rim of Sam's laptop screen.
"What do you mean?" Sam typed away, still researching about the strange deaths that had been going on.
"Well...." Dean sat back in his chair. "Normally we bunk together. But then we found (Y/N) because of some instinct Cas had. Next thing I know, you're changing up the game plan!"
Sam looks up from his laptop. "You don't think I know that Dean? Look, I think..."
"Foods here!" You interrupt, setting down the tray of food and drinks. Dean picks up his burger and starts eating as you sit down. "So.... What do you guys know about the hunt?"
Sam looked down at his laptop. "Sammy..." Dean said, his mouth filled with food.
Sam finally looked up and turned his computer so that it faced you. There is a map of Pennsylvania on the screen. "There's this town here," he points at a part of the map. "Greensburg. All the deaths have been here. So far that pretty much all we know..."
"No where else?" You ask, studying the map.
"No." Dean sips on his drink.
You hear wings flap behind you. "Hmmm.... Very strange indeed." -Gabriel- "Yes. How'd you guess?" The arch angel walked closer, taking a bite of a candy bar. -go away, Gabriel.- "Fine, no need to be grumpy about it." Gabriel sasses before disappearing.
"Hey, (Y/N). You there?" Sam asked. You shook your head slightly.
"Ya... Just thinking..."
Wings flap behind you, making you flinch. Castiel You look over at Dean, who is staring at Cas. It's like they are having a staring contest without saying anything as they stare deep into each other's eyes. You decide not to bother them.
"Destieeeeeelll!" Sam sing-songed. That caught Dean's attention.
"D*mmit! Why did I take you to that musical..." Dean puts his head in his hands. Castiel sits there awkwardly for a bit before reaching over to pat Dean's back. You can't hold back a giggle. Dean looks up a fire in his eyes. "Shut up." He stands up. "Come on. We need to hunt this thing down before more people die." He turns around and makes his way to the front door. Castiel had disappeared, leaving only you and Sam at the table.
You look over at Sam, who shrugs his shoulders. "I guess we should go." He grabs his bag and stands up. Then he picks up the tray piled with napkins, used paper plates, and empty paper cups.

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