Shower Talk

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"Skreeeeee! Skreeee!" The shower creaks as you turn off the water. Stepping out of the shower, you start drying off and then put on some clothes. You hear wings flap behind you.
"Hello, sweetums. Nice shirt." Gabriel points at your gray tank top with a star on the front.
You look into the mirror and start brushing your hair. -Thanks.-
"What no 'get out of here, Gabriel' " the arch-angel terribly does an impression of you. It's annoying but makes you laugh.
-That sounded terrible!- You laugh.
Gabriel smirks, but it quickly turns into a stone cold look, something between a glare and confused. "What's up with Sam? By the way."
You shrug. -Don't know... I thought you might know.-
"Hey (Y/N), you okay in there?" Sam knocks on the door.
-speak of the Devil-
"Literally." Gabriel disappears. You can't help but laugh at his comment.
"Ya Sam, I'm fine."

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