Run, War Has Come.

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"Did you honestly believe that it'd be that easy?" chuckled a deep, manly voice. The smell of fire still floating throughout the hallway. "I thought the angels were losing their touch but this really is something."
Opening his brown eyes, Gabriel noticed he was still in the same spot in the the middle of a holy oil ring. Once starting to sit up a bit, he could see silver in the demon's hands, easily recognizable as an angel blade. Snapping his fingers, Gabriel tried to extinguish the flames, but to no prevail.
"Tisk. Tisk. You know that won't work Gabriel," sneered the demon, a smirk plaster across it's face. A scream can be heard from upstairs. "Winchester won't be able to help you either."
"Maybe but someone else can." a two figures appears behind the demon. The sound of flesh hitting flesh echoes for a second before screams of pain knock out all other noise. One of the figures takes another step forward and reaches out a hand.
"(Y/N)? How did you...,"
"There's no time," you reply, putting Gabriel to his feet. Stepping over the demon's burning body, Gabriel steps out of the fire and closer to you. "The others are bound to be here soon-"
"So, we better get out of here," a boy with short, dirty blonde hair appears in place of the other figure as it steps into the firelight. Scars and bruises almost cover every part of open skin on him. It's obvious that he's been here a while.
"Where do we start?" Gabriel questions.
The boy replies, pointing behind him. "There's a stairway not too gear back there. Might be some guards but it shouldn't be too bad if we get there quickly."
Gabriel and you nod and then the trio starts running in that direction. Gunshots start ringing. They're coming from upstairs but eventually seem like they're getting closer. The boy takes a quick right turn, leading the two deeper in the building. After what you guess is fifteen minutes of running, with some slowing down, you can see a bright white light in front of you leaking through cracks in the wall. Around the cracks, you can see the figures of muscular men. More demons. The boy takes another sharp turn, keeping out of sight of the men.
"What are we gonna do now?" Gabriel whispered very quietly into you and the boy's ears.
One of the men started to shuffle. The three of you stood frozen, but you didn't hear any more movement.
Suddenly, a moment later, the sound of crashing echoes behind you. Marching feet sound from the hallway came by about five minutes earlier. The men at the doorway, trapping all of you from what you'd heard was the outside world, started to move, each talking to the other. If the three of you didn't move fast, you'd soon be surrounded. The boy unsheathed a small dagger. Understanding what the new plan was, Gabriel snapped, aiding all three of you with an angel blade. It was going to have to be now or never.

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