The Plan Unfolds

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Hey guys! Thanks so much for your patience. As you've probably deduced already, I'm terrible at writing/posting on a regular schedule. I would say sorry about it like usual, but... It's probably (at some point at least) getting repetitive and losing it's meaning. Again thank you so much for all your waiting and for almost 2.5K reads! I never thought while originally starting to write "My Guardian Angel" that so many people would want to read it. You guys are amazing and I can't thank you enough. ~M


The Impala finally arrived in Johnstown around thirty minutes later, just about half the time it should've taken if Dean hadn't pounded down on the gas. After parking in a small kind-of run down lot, Dean turned around again to look at Gabriel.
"Okay, we're in Johnstown like you said. Where's (Y/N)?" he asked, not caring that he was pretty much yelling.
"(pronoun of your gender here)'s not very far away," Gabriel paused before adding "I think (pronoun of your gender here)'s over there." he pointed at some houses a bit too far to the right to be straight front of them.
"You think! Did you hear that Sammy? Gabriel thinks (Y/N) is over there," Dean pointed to the same area Gabriel had. "This is going to be a piece of cake! It's not like there are a bunch of run down buildings over there."
"Dean!" Sam interrupted his brother's rant. "Calm down. You're acting crazier than all the stuff we hunt. Who care's how bad Gabe is as an angel? (Gabriel gave an offended 'hey' at this comment.) We need to get (Y/N) back."
Dean flashed a glare at his brother before getting out of the car. Quickly he opened the trunk and pulled out two guns, a boxful of salt rounds, two spray cans and a couple bottles of holy water.
Inside the car, Sam had Gabriel try and narrow down where (Y/N) was being held captive.
A couple minutes later, Sam emerged from the Impala. "(Pronoun of you're gender)'s over there." He pointed to an ancient looking, two story house at the end of the street.
"Let's get going," Dean passed Sam half the items he'd grabbed from the Impala's trunk. Then, started to run towards the house.
"Wait," Sam called after him. "What about Gabriel?"
Dean quickly turned around and asked, "What about him?"
"Well, you told him before that he needed to start fighting for himself and well, he is (Y/N)'s guardian angel. Wouldn't it be safer if he helped?" Sam replied.
"Don't use my words against me."
Sam smirked at that, giving Gabriel the signal to get out of the car.
Soon, the three were hiding behind some overgrown bushes in front of the run down house. Dean loaded up his sawed-off shotgun with salt rounds. Sam did the same.
"So, what's the plan?" Gabriel whispered.
"We'll keep an eye on the demons. You try and find (Y/N)," replied Sam. Dean grunted an angered approval. "Come on. Let's go."
Stealthily, Dean and Sam slipped away towards the back of the house. Gabriel sprinted closer to the house. Once he had heard a struggle inside the house, Gabriel stalked up the front steps and unlocked the door.
Once inside, it was easy to hear the distraction had worked at least for now. In the dim light, Gabriel sneaked down a nearby stairway into the basement. Just as he was running down another hallway, flames burst around the angel. Startled, Gabriel fell backwards onto the cold cement floor barely missing the flames.

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