Get Out of Here!

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Though it wasn't spoken, war had been declared. Then again, maybe it had been ever since your kidnapping. It hasn't mattered now. The boy slipped over to the other side of the hallway. Together, you and him smite the doorway guards. Next came the running. You quickly pulled a stolen key out of its hiding place and shoved it into the lock. The door opened. More running. More demons chasing after you and the other two escaped prisoners.
Run. Fast. Faster. But the demons were quicker. They always seem to be.
Wood smashed, splintering somewhere behind you. Feet pounding on the grass. On the cement. Strong arms scoop you up. Your punches start flying.
"It's okay. It's me."
You look Dean in the face, "christo."
Yeah it was Dean.
In a moment, the impala's doors were opened. The Winchesters set you and the boy, Adam, into the backseat. Jumping in the front, Dean revved up the car. Something wasn't right. A scream, almost a buzzing, exploded through the air.
"(Y/N)!!!" The scream echoed.
You nearly year off the door handle as you exit the car. Sam and Dean yell to you about getting back into the car but your feet have started to move.
"Gabrieeeeeel!" You scream and try to sprint closer. But, he's dragged closer and closer to the door. The one you had escaped from. It was too late. Just before being engulfed yet again by darkness, another scream cries out.
"Get out of here."
You fall to your knees. Tears fall down your cheeks like waterfalls. It was too late. Your guardian angel was gone. Two pair of hands grab you from behind, taking you back to the impala. Doors locked, it was kicked into gear and driven far from that house. Far, far away from your protector. Your angel.

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