Chapter 5: Day of Cooking

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After resting for an hour, I decided to go out my room and immediately greeted by Yaya and Ying with Leaf. Okay now what's up?

"Hey Y/n we apparently saw Leaf's art and he said you taught him how to soooo would you mind teaching us too?" Ying says giving me an art of leaf sketching Motobot. I can say Leaf did pretty well.

"Sure I got no business so let's go!" I say and both Yaya and Ying hang their arms by my arms.

"Hey can I come too?" Leaf says popping from my head. The two girls looked at him in anger and pushed his innocent face away.

"No you guys already know how to it's our time to spend time with Y/n" Yaya and Ying both said and the innocent bean just slumped and walked away sulking. I would like to call him out but Yaya and Ying already pulled me to their room.

We went in and I can say their room is beautiful. More beautiful than mine as I can say. We went to their desk as I started teaching them the way how to sketch like how Leaf did.


We are in the training room except for Leaf. He was just sketching something by the corner and vanished. We don't know where he went.

"HAH! TOLD YOU I AM MORE STRONGER" Fire who turned to his Blaze form laughed victorious after bombing Thunderstorm down. They are having a training and seems like they are getting heated up.

"ICE YOU'RE SLEEPING ON MY JACKET!" Solar yelled trying to get Ice off his white jacket. Cyclone on the other hand is filming it. I am right by the corner trying to concentrate on my Mass Ability. As the earth element I get the ability to feel the movement of the earth of course.


I turned around only to see everyone toasted except for Thunderstorm who looked at me in fear.

"ISSSH! PIKACHU! YOU WENT RAGE AGAIN" Solar says pissed off by Thunderstorm's zap. Blaze is currently faceplanting on the floor. Ice woke up from his slumber and Cyclone is a toasted statue.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as the door opened revealing a sad-crying Leaf. He is hugging his green hat close to his chest. His cheeks are also puffy.

"What now-" Solar says as all of us went to Leaf's place. Everyone regained consciousness especially Cyclone and Blaze.

"Did Gopal bullied you again? I swear I'm killing him" Blaze says letting his anger fill in. I smacked Blaze making him silent as I take the turn to question.

"Is something wrong Leaf?"

"Y/n..." he whines. We all stopped by the sudden name. Y/n? "Yaya and Ying took Y/n from me!!!" He whines louder making all of us sweatdrop. So he is crying because of Y/n. I should have known.

"Wait why would they take Y/n away from you? Did you do something wrong?" Cyclone asked as he received a smack from Solar and Thunderstorm. "Obviously it's not what you think" they both said. Yeah well Leaf won't do something like that. He's too innocent unlike Fire who is a perverted bomb.

"Yaya and Ying wants to learn how to sketch!" he says going back to his happy mood. Everyone looked at him again sweatdrop including me.

Blaze took Leaf to our room ans play video games along with Wind. Solar went back too to continue his experiments by the Lab. Thunderstorm stayed in the training room while I went to walk around the station reading one of Solar's book.


I was left to stay in the training room. Everyone went to do their own business after the drama Leaf brought. I thought Y/n bullied her turns out she just went with Yaya and Ying.

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