About Face - Part 3

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We arrive in Texas an hour later and wasted no time at heading to their police department. With JJ at the front, we follow her into the bullpen where almost every officer is occupied with the current 'Have You Seen Me Murder' case as the media called it.

"Detective Yarbrough?" JJ greets a man in his fifties who seems to be in charge of all the chaos.

"FBI?" He snatches a paper from the nearest desks and hands it to Hotch, "We got another flier - this time Metro Dallas. Enid White; her roommate called Dallas P.D. This morning. Enid never game home after walking her dog last night."

"So, she is missing?" Spencer asks.

"Well, he wallpapered the neighborhood with fliers for two blocks around their apartment."

"Outside?" I cut in, "That's different for him. Did anyone saw him putting them up?"

"Dallas P.D. is still canvassing, but nothing so far," Detective Yarbrough turns to Hotch, "They're waiting for you on the new scene."

"Mind if I keep this?" The Unit Chief refers to the new flier and the detective gives him a nod. Turning to the team, Hotch gives the orders, "Morgan, you and Prentiss go to Michelle Colucci's house. JJ and I will talk to Enid's roommate. Dave, do you mind walking to the disposal site with the detective and Reid?"

"Whatever you need," Rossi nods.

"Good. Estella, you're with Reid and Rossi. We'll regroup in an hour."

Detective Yarbrough wastes no time and signals us to follow him. The four of us leave the station in a police vehicle with Rossi in the passenger seat and Spencer and me in the back. Spence has a slight shake about him, it's more excitement than anything else. I can tell he's just as anxious as I am to see the David Rossi at work. It's like getting front row seats to watch Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan battle it out with their lightsabers, or a backstage pass to meet the cast of Star Trek.

A few minutes later, we stop near a creek and Detective Yarbrough leads us along the bank, "We went over this area pretty thoroughly. There's no evidence left."

"I just want to stand where she was," Rossi says as he walks ahead, eager to see the disposal site, "Dr Reid, do we still keep all the old files in the fourth floor storeroom?"

"I think some are up there," Spencer replies as we make our way down the slippery slope of the riverbank, "You know, most of our information's on computer now."


"Have you had a chance to go through our data since you've been back? You'll be amazed," Spence inhales and I know what's coming, "The original team - I mean, you interviewed something like, uh, forty-five serial killers, right? Today we have interviews with over a thousand offenders. Serial killers, child abductors, sex offenders... I'll go through it with you sometime if you like, answer any questions -"

"Sounds good," Rossi interrupts. I nudge Spencer in the side, silently communicating with him that he'll get his chance at asking the senior agent all his questions. Right now, we have to focus on the case at hand.

Detective Yarbrough stops at a tree branch hanging over the shallow end of the creeks. Its leaves and vines are a tangled mess and creates the perfect location to hide a body, blocking it from view. "Michelle's body was found right here. I really thought it was a prank..."

Looking at him, it's obvious he feels responsible for her death. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I attempt to comfort him, "Don't blame yourself for that, Detective."

"She made herself dinner," his voice thickens, "She had time to make herself dinner. I mean, she was home for a while before he... there was time to help her."

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