𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚏𝚒𝚛𝚜𝚝 𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛.

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"Psst! Zara!" I groaned as the teen continued to whisper harshly in my ear. "Zara!" He continued.

"Theodore, if you don't shut up. I swear you'll be the first non-human brain I eat!" I threatened, opening my eyes.

I heard him huff. "I'm trying to get you out of here, the doctors are gone." He said, helping me stand.

You see, I died and apparently a few years later, some creepy doctors were able to reanimate me.

I learned that my in-laws had a house fire and my husband was in a coma because of it. I have no idea what happened to him or what he's doing now.

I don't even know who else survived. However, I do know that I want out of this stupid place these doctors have me in.

Which is why Theo's trying to help me. When the doctors first brought him in, I took care of him as if he were my own son. Now, he won't leave my side.


"It's your 32nd birthday! You deserve a little freedom at this point, ma." He grinned.

"Despite you still looking twenty-eight." He continued with a wink. "Shut up." I grumbled.

He's not wrong though, due to me being a zombie and the fact I did die at that age, I'm not able to age anymore.

"You need to live your life." He said. "I already did." I glared. "You know what I meant!"

"What do you want me to do? Leave you here to deal with their wrath?!"

Theo blinked as if the answer was obvious. "Yes!"

I sighed. "If it'll get you to stop talking, then fine."

Not even a second later, I was trapped into a hug. "I'll miss you, kid." I whispered.

"Promise to not go zombie on anyone."

"I can't make that promise! A queen's gotta eat."

Theo rolled his eyes and smiled as I started walking towards the door. "Hey, ma!" He called. "Hm?"

"I'll miss you too, and don't forget about me."

"I'd never." I said, smiling.

I was free at last.

At least, that's what I thought. A second after I stepped outside, I started running. I heard the thud of Marcel's heavy boots and the other two doctors.

I couldn't let them get me again, it's been way too long since I've breathed in fresh air.

I'm kinda thankful for them giving me bionic limbs, I'm able to run much faster now. I mean, I'm fast but with my new left leg I can run three times that speed.

I'm even faster when in zombie mode. They also replaced my right arm, starting from my bicep.

I'll admit, I hated them at first but I got used to them.

Doesn't mean I still don't hate them though.

I ignored their calls and continued running, I went to the only place I could think of.

Deaton's clinic.

As I continued running I ran into the back of some creature with a skull head. "Oh shi-"

The creature that I now realize is a berserker, threw me into a wall. I coughed and looked around.

"How on earth did I end up at Beacon Hills High?" I whispered, out of breath.

My eyes widened as the berserker started running after me. I hate this town! I thought. "Aunt Z?"

I stopped running and looked in front of me.

Once again, my eyes widened. Standing in front of me was a very older-looking Derek and group of teens. "You're alive?" He asked in disbelief.

I didn't answer him since I heard footsteps behind me.

I tensed as the person placed a hand on my non-bionic arm, acting quickly, I flipped them over so that they'd land in front of me.

My brown eyes connected with blue ones, the blue ones that I haven't seen in years.

The blue ones that I had missed dearly.

"Zara, darling?" The words left his mouth so effortlessly and yet, his eyes held a different story.

I chuckled awkwardly. "Um..hi, honey. Long time no see?" I smiled, fixing my dirty hijab. "Honey?!"

Looking away from Peter, I noticed that the group of teens were watching us.

Peter and Derek on the other hand were looking at me like some sort of miracle just happened.

They didn't know about my bionic limbs yet because I'm wearing black joggers and an oversized long sleeve maroon shirt. "Long time no see?!"

I accidentally let out a growl as Peter yelled at me.

He took a step back from me when my eyes flashed blue. "You're-"

I let out a whimper of fright and take off running.

"Who was she?" I heard.

"My wife." Peter said as if he were in a daze.

Why him? Why now?! I thought as I ran.

"Happy birthday to me." I whispered, sobbing.

I was finally alone, or so I thought.

𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙿𝚂𝙴 𝙱𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙴 ➪ 𝗣.𝗛.Where stories live. Discover now