𝙻𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚍-𝚐𝚒𝚛𝚕

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"Don't make this harder than it already is, love." Peter said with a snarl. I quickly hid my bionic hand with my sleeve.

"Why didn't you tell me you were alive?"

I heard a growl, signaling that Peter wasn't the only one who followed me. "Why didn't you tell us?"

I let out a shaky breath and faced them. I didn't speak though, they were looking at me; waiting for an answer, but I said nothing. "Zara?"

I couldn't, I mean, how do you tell someone that you died and got turned into a monster with metal limbs?

I watched with cautious eyes as Derek started sniffing around. He locked eyes with me and that told me, he knew.

"She's not alive." He said.

Peter just looked back and forth between us, waiting for his nephew to explain. Derek, didn't. Instead, he glared at me. "You're not alive, are you?"

"What do you mean she's not alive? Look at her!" Peter exclaimed. Derek turned his glare onto his uncle. "Listen for her heartbeat."

Derek, you asshole!

Inhaling a sharp breath, I started running for the third time today. Some 32nd birthday, gee-thanks, Theo!

"Look what you did!" Peter yelled.

"She's running because I'm right, you idiot!"

I stopped running, I was on the side of the road. I held my leg in pain. Phantom pain is the worst. I hate it.

I knew I had to keep running, they're werewolves. They'll find me soon. My left leg hurts so much though. Also, I never got the chance to eat today.

The dread doctors had left to get me food, maybe I should've waited to leave. I growled in irritation.

I stood up and started walking, I was shifting and I know it's dangerous. You see, I haven't really gotten control over my shift, so whenever a human is near and I'm starving, I start shifting.

It's how my eyes changed. You guys remember Jules, right?

Well uh, when I escaped the first time, I ran into her and yes we talked and stuff but long story short, she's dead and my eyes are now blue.

Crazy, I know.

Technically, she gave me permission to eat her brain. I also ate her corpse and took some of her jewelry and clothes. So, win-win?

"Hey, you're Zara, right?"

I tensed and turned my head sharply. It was two of the teenagers from earlier, a pale boy driving a jeep and another boy with a crooked jaw.

I just looked at them like a deer caught in headlights.

"I'm Scott and this is Stiles, we're friends of your nephew, Derek." The boy with the crooked jaw said.

I growled hearing Derek's name. I realized that I had shifted, my skin is pale, parts of my cheek and ribs were missing, my eyes were blue, my hair, even though nobody can see it, was now a lighter brown.

Also, you could see some of the bone structure in my face. Yeah, it's not a pretty sight. It didn't help that I was limping due to my leg. "What the hell?!"

I snarled at Stiles. I'm not able to think much in this state, that's why I said it was dangerous.

"Stiles, drive faster!" Scott yelled as I jumped onto the roof of the jeep. I hissed as the jeep sped up.

"I thought it would be a while before a zombie apocalypse!" Stiles yelled, his voice was full of fear.

Enraged, I punched the window on the driver's side and held onto the roof tightly as the jeep came to a stop. "Look, we just want to help you!" Scott said.

𝙲𝙾𝚁𝙿𝚂𝙴 𝙱𝚁𝙸𝙳𝙴 ➪ 𝗣.𝗛.Where stories live. Discover now