"Everything'll Be Fine..." | MIDFIGHT MASSES

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Note: Why do I love torturing stickmen so much?

The two demons charged at each other, both ready to finish the other off with a final blow. Sarvente watched helplessly in the back as the church continued to crumble. She looked around, deeply saddened that it had come to this. Her lifelong dedication... all her hard work... was literally being crumbled to pieces, and she couldn't do anything to stop it. She was too weak. She felt pathetic. Her husband was fighting for her life, not having a care about his own, against a psychopathic nun, who was definitely strong enough to defeat him. Even if she tried to stop it, they wouldn't listen, and would end up killing all the three of them. All she could do was watch, silently hoping that both parties survive the attack. She prayed that nobody would get too injured.

Finally, the demons struck each other, the amount of power used caused the church to finally come to its end, and it finally crumbled, the debris crashed down rapidly, as smoke formed. Sarvente squeaked as she ran to avoid getting hit, but not too far so she could check if her husband was okay.

The smoke started to clear, and Sarvente could see a silhouette slowly walking towards her. As it got closer, Sarvente could see it was limping. The fight really took a hit on them, and Sarvente immediately knew who it was. She gasped as the figure dropped to its knees, and she sprinted over, shouting, "RUV!"

She caught Ruv before he completely fell onto the ground, and observed his expression thoroughly, yet quickly. He was clearly exhausted, and he tried to hide the tremendous pain he was in, but Sarvente could easily read him. Tears ran down her face as she held onto him. "Oh— Ruv!" She wailed. "I'm sorry— I-I couldn't do anything, and- and you—"

"Sarv... I'm fine..."

But he was anything but fine. He had a giant gash over his good eye, and he could barely keep his eye open thanks to that. He had multiple bite marks on his arms and deep cuts from the chainsaw, especially in his chest area. He also had a large cut across his neck. It was an attempt to kill him, but thankfully Sarvente and his magic kept him alive, but just barely.

"But Ruv! I couldn't protect you! I just stood idly by as you tried to save me and now you're— you're hurt! I shouldn't've let you do this!" She whimpered. "N-now, you can barely even stand... you can be barely keep your eye open! This is all my fault, dammit!" She sobbed hysterically into his chest, seemingly unable to stop.

"Sarv, Sarv... calm down... it's gonna be fine... as long as you're here with me, I'll be fine... we'll- we'll fix this together, then finally live in peace... Trust me... everything's gonna be... f-fine..."

Sarvente noticed his eye start to dull, and her heart nearly dropped. She kept muttering no as she clasped her hands over his cheeks. "R-Ruvvy... no..."

But Ruv just gave her a tired smile, enough not to hurt him, in return, but he couldn't hold his pain in, as tears rolled down his cheek. Sarvente whimpered as she cradled Ruv in her arms, as if it'd save him. He just whispered, "Everything... will be... fine..."

His voice grew weaker at the second, and both parties knew his time was up. "Trust me, Sarv... w-we— you can do this... you just gotta... k-keep on keepin' on..."

"...Al-alright Ruvvy..." Sarvente sniffled. Her vision blurred from her tears, but she smiled sadly as she watched her dying husband's breathing slow down. "Just... one more thing before you go?" She requested.


Sarvente then leaned in, giving him a kiss, which he weakly returned.

Finally, his body went limp as Sarvente detached their lips, and she teared up again as his head laid on her shoulder. She started to sob again as she held him tightly. "R-Ruvvy... I-I'm so sorry... I love you..." she whispered.

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