Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


“You're an ass!” Fanny shouted as she thrown her keys at me, they smacked me on the chest and landed on the floor, “Why didn’t you answer your texts?”

“Well, hello, to you, too, beautiful. Haven't we met before?” I said sarcastically looking at her up and down, "I remember I saw your annoying face before" I continued and grinned

“You're drunk, aren't you?”

“Is that a question or a statement?” I asked teasingly

“Fuck you, Cam” she shouted again then turned around “Aidan, you gave him the beer, didn’t you!”

“Sorry, baby, he was a mess, and it was his only remedy” he said raising his hands in the air “I’m sorry, I swear he was uncontrollable”

Fanny turned back around facing me, and I swear if glares could kill, I could've been dead at that point, “Well I am not letting your mother to see you like this, so you have to sleep in our spare room”, she said disgustingly and walked away from me “Aidan, get him up, I’m going to hit the shower and no you cannot join me”, she ordered and shut the door behind her, leaving me lying on the couch

“Punk, you got me in trouble” Aidan complained and walked towards me, then he pulled me up to my feet

“Ah, stop whinnying” I said trying to walk and failing miserably, my legs felt like noodles under me,

Aidan held my arm above his shoulder to support me, and we walked to their spare room, “Please get some sleep, and we'll see you in the morning” he said, walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Lucky for us as wolves’ alcohol couldn't affect us as much as it did on humans. I was just a bit dizzy, and I knew that I'd have been stoned if I was purely a human.

My head hurt a little as I stared up to the chilling waiting for the sleep to come over my senses. I knew that there was something wrong with me when my heart started to beat heavily, and I had that urge to be with my mate; I need her by my side.

I rubbed my temples, "This can’t be happening. It’s the alcohol for sure” I mumbled and rolled to my side breathing heavily.

But who I was trying to kid? I could smell her, she was near; her scent was hitting me strongly.

I couldn’t take it anymore I got up and opened the window; her scent went away a little and I felt the presents of the night fairies.

I closed my eyes trying to ignore them.

“Cameron” they whispered and I continued to close my eyes. “We know where she is Cameron”

I slammed the window shut and went back to the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I woke up around four in the morning, after having the same dream like the other night. I left Aidan’s house around five and was arriving to my house just in time as my mother was going into the kitchen.

I went straight to my room; I locked the door behind me and then stepped into my bathroom to take a shower.

The image of my mate in my head; she was driving me crazy.

“Morning,” I said once I walked down to the kitchen,

"Morning" Adriana replied,

“Where were you last night?” my mother asked and folded her arms across her chest,

“I was at Aiden’s place” I sat down next to Adriana at the kitchen's table

My mom shook her head at me “You could have at least called! Lucky for you that Fanny let me know where you were, I was worried sick about you”

The Opposite Reflection (Slow updates)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin