Chapter 6

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Chapter 6



Cora and I both jumped

 “Who’s birthday?” I asked

“This is not a birthday party it’s your finally-finding-your-mate-party and we just want to use this excuse to get drunk” Neal announced cheerfully and laughed,

I smiled as I held Cora's hand, “Everyone, this is, Cora”

There was a mix of cheers between "Hey", "Hi" as a response,

“Cora this is everyone”

Cora giggled “hello, everyone”

My sister came up to us and introduced herself to Cora, once she was gone; Cora looked up at me,

"She's adorable"

"I think she thinks the same, look how they all are looking at you"

"You're lucky to have them"

"And now I have you, too"

"Yes, you do" she admitted and smiled brightly,

I leaned closer to her and touched her lips with mine, from the corner of my eyes noticed my mother putting her hands over her mouth and she looked like if she was going to jump out of her skin of happiness,

I chuckled a little and then pulled Cora to my side holding her close. “Alright, let’s celebrate”

"Let the party begin!" Neal yelled as he kept giving everyone beers.

After a little while, my sister and mother took Cora with Fanny to the kitchen saying that they want to talk about girl's stuff while I stayed with the guys in the living room.

The moment Cora left my side, I missed her, and my hand ached to touch her again, I was uncomfortable and started to look around the place to find her, I thought our bond has grown since we were fully mated already. Finally I saw her standing with Fanny and my sister talking and laughing,

“Dude, I know that look” Aidan said laughing

“Don’t even start with me” I took another sip of my beer still looking at my Cora enjoying herself,

“You guys did the do, huh?” Ethan asked, with the stupidest grin on his face, and then he elbowed Austin,

I rolled my eyes, and turned my attention to the guys “Is it that obvious? What makes you think that?” I asked,

“I can smell it all over her man” Austin laughed, “But let me know, have you marked her as yours, yet?”

“It's not your business! But, if I did, so what?”

“No humans or wolves would dare to come near her,” said Aidan grinning “trust me I know”

“Not even immortals” Austin said

I was about to interrupt Austin’s comment but my father called me over to his office with Ethan. I closed the door keeping our privacy.

“What’s up sir?” Ethan took his seat as I stayed standing near my father's desk

“I like to congratulate my son” he smiled at me “for finding his mate and officially declare you both

Alpha and Beta”. He clapped his hands “Congrats, sons”

Ethan stood up “You’re joking right?!”

I was in disbelief as well

“No, son, why would I joke about your position?” my father smiled again and stood up to shake my hand

The Opposite Reflection (Slow updates)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ