Chapter 9 (Unedited)

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Chapter 9

(Back to Cam POV)

It's been a month now that Cora and I been together; and I got to admit I would never imagine myself lasting that long in a relationship or ever finding my mate. Besides the amazing sex we have; Cora is such an amazing person. I love her to death she brings out the best in me and my sensitive side that I always hide she manage to take that out of me. As the weeks past we get to know each other more; and she knows everything about me like I know everything about her.

Lucky for me, today is my sister's birthday! Now you may ask how I'm lucky well if it wasn't for Cora I will be a mad man going crazy about my sister soon to be mate. That thought discussed me, I love my sister and I'm so over protective of her;

"Earth to Cam" Cora snaps her finders in front of my face

"Yeah sure anything you say baby" I smiled to her a place my arms around her

"Did you even hear what I asked you" she looks at me she looks annoyed but still cute

"No but I'm 100% sure that I would say yes because come on" I stop us pulling her closer to me "who would say no to a sexy beautiful amazing person like you" I grin kissing her cheeks

She sighs but I still manage to get her to smile "okay I'm going to repeat what I just said so I asked you well I want you to meet my father today after school"

"Okay yeah"

"But don't you have something to do before your sister's party tonight?"

I sighed "nope I already got her a present so there's really nothing for me to do in my end" I shrugged my shoulders "I just need to arrive with my beautiful mate" I kiss her cheeks again

She giggles "okay this is really important to me and" she bites her lips "no one outside of our kind has met him so yeah" she looks away

"Hey I know everything what I have to know about you so don't worry nothing scares me I'm a werewolf" I smiled "now let's go to class before we are late again I'm running out of excuses"

She laughs "okay you could say I'm a werewolf and she's immortal so fuck off"

I laugh as we walk through the door seeing Austin in his seat. I sat next to him as Cora sits in front of me old habit I guess

"Hey Cam ready for tonight" Austin whispers to me as our teacher starts with today's lesson

"Not really but I'm going to meet Cora's dad so that should distract me" I start scribbling on my paper pretending that I'm writing my notes

"Oh nice man good luck"

"Yeah I should be fine" I look over at him noticing that he was tapping his foot "are you nervous or something bro?"

"Me nah man" he places his hand on his lap "I'm okay"

I shook my head ignoring the fact that Austin thinks he's my sister's mate

"Who knows he could be" Cora whispers to me

"You can read minds now?" I whispered back

"No but I can senses what your feeling" she turns to smile at me "I'm trying to teach myself to read minds I'm almost getting it" she winks and turns her head back to the teacher who is now passing out our study guide for our test next week. I use to pass when it comes to studying but with Cora around she makes it seem fun.

After a long lesson about our test next week and Austin consist foot tabbing our class was finally dismiss. I walk beside Cora and Austin as we head our way to the cafeteria. Austin was still acting a bit strange and Cora couldn't stop having this huge smile on her face

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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