"lets take a break" 🦋

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Months passed and jungkook and y/n kept on going with their relationship secretly and being happy like that.

Miss.Choi ofc was in her corner doing what she does best getting into people's pants and hardly ever home. Y/N and jeonghan also started talking and became good friends noticing they were alot alike almost like they were the siblings.

But then the problems started recently miss.choi has been always on jungkook and it was pissing y/n off to the point where she actually couldn't hide it and wanted to burst out on Miss.Choi and say everything.

But again she couldn't cause jungkook yet again wasn't ready to tell and she would end up having to walk out the house or go to her home office and try to calm her nerves.

She didn't like anything that was happening but she respected jungkooks opinion and decisions but it was becoming increasingly difficult for her to contain herself.

As for jungkook he knew y/n's patients was just about through the roof and it scared him knowing all that built up anger and annoyance in y/n wasn't gonna end in anything good but he didn't know what to do.

Part of him wanted to go tell his family everything and just go away and live his life with y/n and be safe and happy. But the other part of his was just too scared of his dad's reaction. He knew y/n would go to all extents to protect him but his mind couldn't take it all.

One day Miss.Choi forced jungkook to sleep with her and that was it once y/n found out she packed a bag and left the house for three days with the excuse that she had too much work and couldn't afford to come home.

Jungkook felt the worst he didn't know what to say or do about anything he wanted to go to y/n he wanted to be in her arms. But he felt like she was mad at him he knew y/n would never hurt him but he didn't know how to face her.

Y/N on the other hand was mad at her mother she felt bad for jungkook she knew he would've never wanted that she knew it was forced.

After those couple days when y/n came home jungkook was quiet as ever Miss.Choi was simply going about her daily life and y/n was just lost. She was contemplating if she should approach jungkook or wait for jungkook to approach her.

Eventually she came to the conclusion that when Miss.Choi would leave home she'll go and talk to jungkookcause avoiding the topic isn't doing anything for them.

So the next day y/n took the day off and waited till Miss.Choi left home and then she went to jungkooks room to talk to him.

Y/N's P.O.V

Miss.Choi just left home and now I'm walking down the hall to jungkooks room. I knocked on the door and went inside after hearing a small "come in". Walking in and closing the door I was met with a pale and red eyed jungkook my heart clenched at the sight.

My first instinct was to go to him and lift him into my embrace cradling him like a baby. I knew he was thinking I was mad at him I knew he was overthinking so I was taking it slowly.

"Baby stop crying hun you're okay it's okay". I felt him vigorously shake his head against my chest "no its not you're mad at me I cheated I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry". He was continously crying out the same two words "I'm sorry".

I figured it wouldn't make sense to try talking to him yet so I just rocked him in my arms and whispered words of reassurance to him in hopes of calming him down.

After about a good 20 minutes of him crying he finally calmed down till he was just sniffing but couple of his tears where still falling every few seconds.

Seeing that he's relatively calm I decided to start talking "babyboy listen to me you don't need to apologize you didn't cheat you didn't ask for that you didn't wanna do that she forced u I know so don't apologize hun please".

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