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*hey! Come to mine? I need 2 see u ASAP! need u to console me a bit :-*  H.*

I smile as I read the text that Harry, my boyfriend just sent.

*sure babe*

With one look on the mirror, I hurry downstairs and enter the living room to find Dad sitting on the couch with a newspaper in his hands. "Hey sweetie, how you doing?" He asks. "Well, I'm fine. I was wondering if I can go to Harry's?" Yea, this is me, I go for the thing then ask for it. Typical Lety.

"OK, do you want me to drive you or you want to walk?" He asks. "No thanks, I am  fine with walking, the sun hasn't set yet. I'll walk" I explain. I need to walk, I feel like a potato right now considering how much I ate yesterday. Don't blame me! Blame my period.

"As you wish. Say hi to Anne. And don't forget to tell her that she's welcome to come by anytime she wants!" I smile at how much my dad likes Anne... I think he kinda fancies her. And I would be happy if he does though, because since my mum's death — May God rest her soul — I've been pushing him to remarry. Even though he's a great parent, I would like him to remarry and start his life all over again, since he's luck was a bad one.

"OK! Now I better go! I love you dad" I say hugging him. That's a normal thing, he's my only family. "I love you baby girl" he reminds me. "Me too."

"Is your phone charged?" Dad asks. "Yea 100% . Stop worrying" he worries a lot.."OK have fun Darling!"

"Bye" I say as I open the front door. "Dad?" I ask. "Yes?"

"In in one week I'll be twenty... In case you forgot" I remind him. "So?" He says.

"I don't know. Just sayin'!" I laugh. I'm a little daddy's girl I know. "Don't worry I already planned something with Harry for you! And don't tell him I told you!" He waves. I am already getting out of the gates.

On my way there, I start thinking about something Harry has talked to me about. We were talking on the phone last night and he told me that his mate left the band and was going to another country.. He was crying. I never had the chance to meet his bandmates, even though they've been in  a band since school. I feel bad for not being there when he was crying. But now, here I am, heading to his house, ready to comfort him and hug him and let him know that nothing lasts forever except our relationship.... Or not?


I suddenly feel a cloth covering my mouth and I try to scream but unfortunately nothing comes out, I pass out.

I have a few notes!

1st: tysfm for reading it!!!!!
2 : if u vote and comment like crazy I'll make sure I'll update often / sometimes daily.
4: if u support Zaughty, ur welcome to NOT read my book.
5: if u don't support Zaughty, help us trend the # #wedontwantzaughty on IG

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