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Zayn's POV

I am talking with Louis about his girlfriend that he just broke up with, when I suddenly get a text from an unknown number. *Meet me in the public park at midnight, I have a great job for u   ;-) * it reads.

Who the hell is that?

"You listening bro?" Louis asks as I unlock my phone. "Yeah I am, just give me a second, I need to talk to someone" I dismiss my self and go to the balcony. I open true caller and type the number. The word "BO$$" pops on the screen once it finishes loading. BO$$? Who is BO$$?

God I'm starting to get scared now... What if- "Malik, you OK?" Ed snaps me from my thoughts by tapping my shoulder. "Yeah Im OK" I reassure him. "Well your expression doesn't prove that, you tat-boy" he says.

"Tat-boy?" I try to change the subject, "you should look at your reflection, we have a mirror in the hall way if you want" I suggest letting out a small chuckle. "Whatever" he ends the conversation. "By the way, I finished writing the song, you guys have to record it now." He says. "OH MAAN! our first song! Finally! I'm fed up with covers all the time. I mean look at us we've been together for 5 years..." I say.

"Yeah you're right, and your first song, Little Things , is written by Ed Sheeran" he places his hand in his chest dramatically. (A/n : ik but I just want to involve Ed)


I get another text once I enter the house. It is 10 sharp. *c u in 2 hrs ;-)  and don't be a pussy, Ur salary for that job is gonna be £ 50 million. W8in*

I don't know what to do? Should I talk to one of the lads? Suddenly, I start to hear sobbings. "Mum? Are you OK" I gently knock on her bedroom's door. "Enter" she manages to say between sobs. "Mum what's wrong?" I ask. "Zayn, your father is accused of dept.." What the actual fuck? How... . "The police came yesterday and said if he doesn't bring the money back in a week, they'll be taking him to jail" No, this can't be happening. "How much money does he have to return?" I ask. "£ 45 million"

It is settled then, B0$$.


° I have to kidnap the girl on 26 March 2015

° Rape her on 15 April 2015

° keep on 'fucking' her till 30 June 2015 (in order to make her ready for the BO$$ whose name happens to be Naughty Boy.

° And after all of this I'll be free, and I'll receive the money once I kidnap her.

° I'm sorry mum.

Is it that bad?
If not, comment and vote! Ty so much and sorry for the mistakes!

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