Dropped off in LOVE!

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"You want to tell me what this is about?"

"Uh what....come on Nyla?", she wiped her face hard and grabbed Nyla's hand.

"Miranda stop walking away from me. Talk to me. I opened up to you, the least you can do is the same."

"Didn't you walk away from me this morning?"

"Miranda you know that was different."

"Was it?"

Miranda exhaled rolling her eyes. "No fighting!", Nyla said getting sad.

"You heard her, no fighting. Just talk to me!"

"Fine, but not in front of her."

"Are yall talking about me?", she squinted.

"Yes we are Elsa. How about we go back to the room and find a movie for you to watch", he smiled at Nyla.

"Can I watch Alvin in the Chipmunks?", she cheesed excited.

"Yes, Brielle loved that movie!"

"Who's Briel?"

Ben smiled trying not to cry. "It's Brielle sweety and she's someone who you would've loved playing with. Come on", she said while rubbing Ben's face.

Miranda walked away giving Ben some time to pull himself together then he followed behind.

"Here let's get you cleaned up sticky girl ", Miranda said bringing her into the bathroom.

"Miranda I'll be back, going down to get us some lunch."

"Noooooo!", Nyla ran out of the bathroom and held onto Ben's leg.

"I'm coming back Nyla!"

"You promise!", she said sad looking up.

"Pinky swear", and they intertwined their pinkies.

When Ben came back he had gifts again for everyone. "So I thought it'll be cute if we all dressed alike and watched movies since we're still snowed in", Ben said through the bathroom door. "I left hers by the bathroom door."

Ben could hear Nyla excited and splashing water.

Nyla came out the bathroom with her Christmas themed onesie. "Look Benny. I love it!"

"Good sweety, now what should we find to watch?"

"Calvin and the Chips!", he joked.

"No silly", she laughed. "Alvin-....."

"I need to do your hair first Nyla."

"Nooo you hurt, Benny can you do my hair?"

Miranda rolled her eyes. "Don't be jealous.....", he mouthed to Miranda. "You're just in luck I happen to be the best braider in town. My little girl had long beautiful hair just like yours."

"Really!!!", she said excited.


"I hope you plan on doing her hair for when she starts going to school then since you're so better."

"I love how you always speak as if I'm going to be in yall futures", he smiled.

"I do not."

"But you do."

"I'm going to go take a shower, then 'BENNY' can take one and we can eat", she said his nickname given by Nyla in a joking jealous way.

"Noooo he's my Benny, your Ben-jam-min!", Nyla said messing up Ben's name.

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