Getting Double Crossed

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Miranda was sitting down on the couch still pissed off. "I don't like her Ben, nor do I trust her. Who referred you to her again?"

"It's fine Miranda."

"Benjamin, I don't want no bull with her in getting Nyla."

"Miranda it won't be anything like that okay, so stop worrying. It's just your nerves."

"I would feel better if we got a new person, Ben."

Ben exhaled.

"Where are you going?", Ben asked as she walked away grabbing her things.

"I'm not leaving. I'm going to work, so bye!"

"Not angry like that, you're not", he walked up to the door and stood in front of her leaning his back against the door.

"Benjamin I'm not in the mood and you're pissing me off by not listening to me, so move....please!"

He opened his arms and she tried to hit his arm down. "You're so stubborn! But I love you anyway", he sneaked a kiss in on her chest before she had a chance to hit him away.

She looked down at her chest seeing his lip print and rolled her eyes. "You want me to wipe it off?"

"No I'll do it, now move", she walked out going to work and she never wiped his kiss away.

This was the worst part Miranda hated about being a pediatric surgeon, having to witness a child losing their life to something she no control over in helping to prevent. Her job was to fix people, but this little girl she couldn't.

After holding her all day, all Miranda wanted to do was go home. She felt like a failure once again because all she did was sit in a chair and hold her patient until her last breaths before handing her over to her father to be in his arms one last time.

Ben was at one of his last meetings for foster care and finishing up all of the paper work before he came home, well back to Miranda's place because all of his things were still back home about four hours away.

Miranda could only think about Nyla and if she just had of answered the phone when the social worker was calling her that all of this wouldn't be happening. She rushed home after changing hoping Ben didn't leave because she was pissed at him and ignoring his text and calls all day because she needed and wanted him.

When she pulled up to the driveway, it was empty and she put her head down regretting how she acted. Ben was in the house cooking dinner and his car was parked in the garage. Miranda walked into the house slowly then quick because she was completely shocked. "Benjamin?!", she called out with a broken voice.

He came out of the kitchen with a spoon that had sauce on it. "Try it!", he said putting it up to her lips and she leaned back at first, but then tasted it licking her lips. "Is it good? I made it up myself."

Miranda just stared then busted out into tears. "Miranda, what's wrong?", he pulled her in for a tight hold telling her to breath and calm down. "Follow my breathing", he said as she continued to huff and sniffle.

He walked her into the kitchen and pulled out a stool for her, then grabbed some red wine and poured them both a glass. "I'm here, talk to me. Tell me what's going on. Did you not think I would still be here because of this morning?"

"Somewhat", she wiped her face with one hand while holding the glass with the other.

"And what else?", he asked as he stirred the sauce turning it down to simmer after he added the noodles.

"Work was shitty, what if we don't get Nyla and her father does something else worse to her."

He held her hand. "What happened at work?"

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