Under the mistletoe ...

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"It was bad. Loud. I saw mommy!", Nyla said crying.

Ben and Miranda looked at each other. Miranda picked her up and sat her on her lap as she sat down and Ben sat next to them. "Did you see something happen to mommy?"

Nyla nodded her head as she wiped her eyes. "Umm...what did you see?"

"Someone hurting mommy. She was scared and told me to run."

Miranda looked at Ben. "Nyla did this happen in real life too or only in your sleep?"

"In my sleep......and before I haven't seen mommy anymore. Am I in trouble for telling?"

"No baby", Miranda said hugging her.

"I'm sorry for messing up the bed. I had an act-ce-dent."

"It's okay sweetie. Let's go get cleaned up."

"I'll have them bring more sheets", Ben said going towards the door.

"You're going downstairs like that?", Miranda said looking down.

"What do you suggest I put on?", he smirked.

"More clothes than that."

"Whatever you say my lady!" Ben changed in the room while Miranda gave Nyla another bath. Then he headed downstairs.

"Hi we had an accident with the sheets and need more", Ben said to the lady at the front desk.

"Sure no problem! Just a second."

"Oh before you go, are there any bigger rooms available?"

"Let me check! What room are you in now sir?"

"Umm 322, it's under Benjamin Warren."

"Umm we are still full, but we do have the presidential suite. It's a lot more expensive and is the only thing we have available."

"We'll take it."

"Ooh okay. Well then I can just charge you the difference and you can move your things up now to your new room and we'll take care of the other room."

"Great! Here's my card and I.D."

"Thank you sir", she said taking his cards. She charged the new room and handed him the new keys. "Here you are sir and you can bring down the old ones later."

"Thank you", Ben said going towards the gift shop to buy more onesies for Nyla.

He came back upstairs to the room. "Hey I got her a new onesie", he said knocking on the bathroom door.

"Thank you Benjamin and what about the bed?", she took the onesie through the crack of the door.

"Oh about that I got us a bigger room, so when you're finish we are going upstairs to our new room."

"But I thought it was full."

"It is, they only had the suite left and I figured we all should be comfortable because no telling how long we'll be here."

"Well I'm paying half."

"No you not", he closed the door back and she rolled her eyes and finished dressing Nyla.

"Benny!", Nyla ran out the bathroom hugging him.

"I swear she likes you more than me!", Miranda folded her arms.

"Don't be jealous. Benny likes you!", Nyla said smiling.

"Oh he does really?!", Miranda said looking at Ben.

"Yup! Can I have my Elsa now?", she said sounding sweet.

"Yeah can she Miranda?!", Ben begged too with Nyla making puppy dog eyes.

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