The ULTIMATE gift!

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"Welcome back Bailey! Welcome back Bailey!", everyone was saying as she was walking out of the elevator.

"Back to work we were only gone for a week!", Miranda said waving everyone away as she put Noelle down and handed her bag to the daycare nurse. "Mommy loves you sweetie, I'll be back after surgery okay...."

Noelle giggled "Bye-bye Mama!" playing in the playpen with her stuffed bunny.

"Well you look refreshed I see!", Callie said as Miranda walked up to the Nurse's station.

"Because I am. Taking yearly vacations with my baby girl has been the best thing I ever decided besides becoming a surgeon."

"Hmmm I guess!"

"What Torres?"

"I just don't understand how you have went on for two years and not reached out to Ben, especially since....."

"Don't say it Torres. Noelle is mine and she will remain mine regardless of anyone else."

"Bailey you know what you're doing is not fair. One day you're going to run into him and he's going to figure it out."

"Well I hope he does. He cost me Nyla and I'll cost him just as twice the pain."

Callie walked away shaking her head.

During soccer practice Nyla twisted her ankle and was brought in to Grey Sloan. As the nurses were taking her down to x-ray she saw Miranda and did a double take.

Ben didn't even think about Miranda when he rushed to the hospital after getting the call that Nyla was hurt. "I'm looking for my daughter Nyla Warren she was brought in by EMS", he said quickly and out of breath to the nurse.

"Calm down sir. Let me check......okay so Nyla Warren has just been taken down to x-ray and should be back up shortly. You can wait over here for when she comes back."

"Okay thank you!", Ben said worried frantic.

Nyla was getting rolled back to the ED when she saw Ben. "Dadddd!"

"Nyla! Are you okay?"

"Yes daddy, I just went into a room with a cool machine. It took pictures of my bones", she said excited. "Through my skin!"

Ben laughed and hugged her tight. "Ow dad I can't breath."

"Sorry! Just was worried."

"I know", she said looking weird across the way.

"Nyla what's wrong you aren't in pain are you?"

"No dad, they gave me medicine through this needle", she pointed to her arm with the IV in it."

"Then what's wrong?"

"Dad do we know her?", she pointed to a little thick lady in a white coat yelling at people doing stuff wrong and something took over Ben's heart and mind as he recognized everything about her before she even turned around. "Dad? Dad?", Nyla said as he slowly walked off.

"I'll be back Nyla." He followed Miranda all the way up to the daycare floor. He had no idea what he was going to say, but hopefully when she turned around he would have something to say.

"Hi mommy's baby, I came back my beautiful little girl", she said going through the door and Ben's face heated up when he saw her face. "Are you being good Noelle?"


Noelle had Ben's entire face and was just as active as he was.

Ben walked in and stood at the doorway. "How can I help you sir?"

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