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Draupadi POV

As I left the village, I felt someone guiding me towards a specific pathway. It almost felt like the trees moved out of their way to let me pass through. Animals and birds moved through the same path along with me. 

I felt the same calmness I felt around Govind and I knew I was close to Guru Parashuram. Nature paved the way as I saw Him meditating with a smile on his face and his infamous axe nearby. 

All I could do was stare at Him in a trance like state. It could have been minutes, days or weeks and I would never know but when Guru Parashuram himself called me I had to break out of my trance.

"Yagnaseni Draupadi, Why have you arrived at my abode?"

It was not suprising he knew my name, he was all knowing after all.

"Gurudev, please accept my pranam. I wish to learn the art of weaponry from you."

"You do know that I teach only Bhramins."

"But gurudev, How is this justice? I cannot control the caste I'm born into and in that case how can I not be allowed to learn from You based on that?"

He let out a laugh and said, " You did not let me finish putri. I witnessed how you helped demolish caste prejudice in the nearby village. You have a great talent and a new sense of justice which can help change this dwaparyug for the better. I will teach you but only if you accomplish a task I set for you."

"Give me the order, Gurudev"

Third person POV

" There is a stream that flows on the other side of Mahendragiri. I need you to cause the water to flow through this side."

Draupadi smiles with understanding. She does a little prayer and aims at where the sound of the stream originates. As she lets go of her arrow it strikes a small rock which crumbles and causes  bigger ones to move out of the way causing the stream to pass between her and Gurudev.  

Bhagwan Parashuram crosses the stream as rocks with flowers appear below his feet. 

"Draupadi, I'm happy with how you handled this task. Instead of destroying the rocks and upsetting the ecosystem, you paved a way peacefully. I will teach you with pleasure. " 

Draupadi bends to touch his feet and he blesses her. 

"Ayushman bhava putri"

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