Raj Abhishek

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Whispers filled the courtroom with Maharaj Drupad's announcement. 

"A princess will rule us?" 

"What about Prince Dhrishtadyumn?"

"Hey Bhagwan what will be the condition of Panchal if a kanya protects it?"

"Silence!" boomed the voice of Maharaj Drupad.

"Have you heard about the Queen of Malwa who defeated an entire army single handedly? She is praised not only as the bravest queen but also a mother to her entire kingdom. No woman is weak nor is she powerless. Your princess Draupadi is a student of Bhargava himself and has proven her worth enough times. She will readily give up her life to protect this kingdom" 

Tears found their way to my eyes hearing my father say such praising words. I looked towards Govind who nodded at me encouragingly. 

"Pitashree, I'm thankful to your words of encouragement and hope I can make you proud. I gladly accept the title of Yuvrani if my siblings are ready to accept me."

Dhrishtadyumn was shocked to hear these words from me. I could see anger and fury in his eyes when Pitashree announced me as the Yuvrani. He felt cheated out of his rights and blamed me for it. 

"Behena, I never considered you my twin nor have I given you any respect, but you considered my feelings important. How do you remain so pure hearted after all the misery I have put you through?"

"Bhratashree, You are my twin, if I dont understand your feelings who else will?"

His eyes teared up at my words and came forward to hug me. 

"I have no oppostion to you succeeding our father yuvrani." He said with a teary smile.

" And nor do I, Draupadi. It would be my greatest honor to serve you yuvrani." said Shikhandini jiji.


Arrangements were made for the coronation ceremony. The whole kingdom was excited to witness it as they considered it one of the greatest moments of history. Everyone loved their Princess who was not only a kind hearted person but also seeked justice more than anything.

Beautiful decorations were found everywhere but the palace seemed like Swargalok. Anyone would be in awe over the beauty of Panchal. 

No one knew who had decorated the kingdom overnight, but Draupadi knew it was her sakha Govind.

" Sakhi, Are you happy?" Shri Krishna asked her with a smile.

" Govind, when you are with me why wouldn't I be?" 

He had a distant look in his eyes ang gave her a sad smile which went unnoticed by Draupadi.

" Yuvrani, it is time for the ceremony." he said.

"Would my sakha do my coronation?" I asked him with my puppy eyes.

"Avashya sakhi. It would be my honor."

The mandap echoed with sounds of mantra and the excited whispers of the praja. 

Draupadi looked towards her father who looked as proud as ever giving out daan to various bhramins. They praised both her father and herself for their generosity and blessed them to lead a prosperous life.

She noticed a Brahman who stood in line talking to someone. He looked familiar and she moved forward to meet him but was stopped by Govind

"Take your place and let us do your abhishek, Yuvrani."

She nodded and sat down with a serene smile.

Shri Krishna himself did her abhishek with rose water, milk and various other pure materials. She felt all of her doubts and fear leave her body with each abhishek.

Every breath she took seemed to be filled with devotion as she stepped towards Govind to get his blessings. She felt utter peace and happiness in his feet that she wished to stay there forever.

"Ayushman Bhava sakhi." 

She heard Govind's voice in her head saying " You have many more things left to do sakhi. Do get up"' with a laugh. 

She stood up with a pout and went towards her father. 

"Putri, your place is not in my feet but my heart."

As her ceremony finished she took her place in court. 

Various issues were brought up to the court and Yuvrani Draupadi solved all of them with ease.

"Putri you have made me proud today with how you handled the court today. My heart is at peace knowing the throne of Panchal is in good hands."

" I have done a lot of sins in my life and I wish to take vanvaas to atone for them" he continued. 

"But pitashree-" 

"Let me finish putri. I know you believe I have atoned for them but my heart is filled with regret. I cannot die peacefully without atoning for my sins."

Draupadi couldn't argue anymore as she heard these words. She embraced her father with tears in her eyes as time with him did not seem enough to her.

"Putri will you fulfill my last wish too?"

"Avashya pitashree, I will do anything you ask of me."

"I wish to conduct a swayamvar for you putri."

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