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Fragrance of thousands of flowers flooded panchal as the Swayamvar of Yuvrani Draupadi got closer. Preparations made by the loving praja of Panchal made it look like Swargalok.

Whispers and rumours about the conditions set for the swayamvar spread throughout Aryavart.

No one knew what conditions will be set by Maharaj Drupad but everyone knew Yagnaseni was said to be the most beautiful woman on earth. Every king and prince were prepared to participate and win the hand of the famed beauty. 

In Draupadi's room

"Govind what if I fail?" she asked with doubtful eyes

"Sakhi, you know you cant participate in your own swayamvar. How will you lose then?"

"GOVIND! You know what I am talking about."

"Dharmastapna is written to occur by your hands sakhi. You will no fail. Now come on Maharaj Drupad is waiting to see his daughter."

Panchal Raj was announced as he entered her chambers.

"Putri, I have spent my whole life on revenge and hate when I should have spent it with my children. You look like a goddess but you will always be my choti putri. "

Draupadi moved forward to brush his tears and bent to get his blessings. 

"Ayushman Bhava putri"

She looked at Govind and bent to touch his lotus feel before he could refuse.

"Sakhi your place is in my heart and you know my blessings are always with you."

In Mandap 

"Mitr Karn Do you think Draupadi is really the most beautiful woman on earth?" asked Duryodhan

" Mitr A daughter is always the most beautiful woman to her father and this invitation was made by Rajkumari Draupadi's father."

"Not only her father Angraj, every person who has met her tells me the same." said Dussasan

"I'm already intoxicated by the smell of blue lotuses which is said to spread everywhere she steps foot in." laughed Duryodhan

Karn sighed as he realized he can never get his friend to respect women properly, but he will keep trying as per his Mitra Dharm.

"Dwarakadeesh Shri Krishna is arriving in the swayamvar mandap." announced the gatekeeper.

Karn felt his whole body fill with devotion as he looked at the Morpankhdhari. 

"Pranam Dwarkadeesh" said Gandharaj with a sly smile.

"Pranam mamashree, Pranam bhrata Duryodhan, Pranam Angraj."

"You are related to the pandavas Vasudev, I'm not your mamashree."

"But you are related to the pandavas which makes me related to you too mamashree."

Duryodhan spoke before Shakuni could tell anything "Vasudev are you here to participate in Rajkumari Draupadi's swayamvar?"

"Nahi Bhrata, I'm here as her sakha. And I'm sure you mean Yuvrani Draupadi?"

"How can a woman be the successor to her father Dwarakadeesh?" said Dussasan arragontly 

"The same way a son can be the successor to his father Rajkumar" 

"Yuvrani Draupadi is arriving"

Every king and prince were at the edge of their seats as they wished for a glimpse of her.

Every king and prince were at the edge of their seats as they wished for a glimpse of her

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