Guru Dakshina

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Draupadi POV

It seems like years have passed since i began my training under Guru Parashuram, but it feels like days. There is just so much I can learn from him and I don't think I can ever finish. 

"Putri Draupadi, you need to take some rest in between lessons. You are always practicing and are bound to be tired at some point. "

"Forgive me gurudev but I cannot truly rest until I'm fully trained"

"I know putri, that is why I am asking you to rest, You have finished your training."

I couldn't stop the tears flowing from my eyes. They were both tears of happiness and sadness. I couldn't believe my time with gurudev has come to an end. 

He wiped my tears away and said " My blessings are always with you my dear. I know you will make me proud. "

I take his blessings silently still unable to find words to express myself.

"As guru dakshina, I want you to win the kingdom of Malwa without revealing your identity . After getting the kingdom in order, i want you to return to Panchal."

"As you wish, Gurudev"

I looked back one final time as i was leaving but he was nowhere to be found. I knew he was always with me though.

I passed through various mountains and plains to reach Malwa. According to the villagers I spoke to the ruler of Malwa is cruel and punishes his praja for all the misfortune he brings upon them.

Defeating him and taking control of the throne was easy enough, but getting the ministers and citizens to respect me an unmarried warrior queen was difficult. It took months of strategizing and various schemes to help throw their discrimination away.

"Maharani the army of Kulwar is upon us"

"But why we have no enimity with them" 

"Maybe they want to avenge the previous king" 

Murmers filled the court. 

"Silence, we will face this calmly. Send a messenger to the king and ask him about his intentons."

Äs the messenger would take a weeks time to reach back, we got our army fed and rested, moved kids and those unable to fight to safer places and rationed our grains.  Of course the army consists of both male and female warriors.

The messenger arrived hurriedly " Maharani, the king of kulwar considers any kingdom ruled by a queen weak and considers it an easy victory."

I scoffed at the king's arrogance," Then the queen shall be the only one to fight this battle"

Many ministers began opposing and shouts were heard all over the court

"Do you believe in your queen?"

'"Yes maharani""Ofcourse maharani"

" Then there will be no opposition to my decision, there is no need to put lives of both armies in danger over an arrogant king's desire"


I could see the king's smirking face when he saw me riding my horse all alone against his army. 

" Come to surrender lady?" 

"You wish, I have come to challenge you directly to avoid the bloodshed this war will cause."

" Ha, You could just tell me no one in your kingdom was willing to fight for you, an unmarried queen. You are afraid to fight my vast sena"

He ordered his soldiers to capture me. I murmured a prayer and shot an arrow that caused all of his army to fall unconscious . 

" You don't have a choice but to fight me." 

He screamed " How dare you? You will regret challenging me"

He was a good opponent, i will give him that but he did not have a chance against me.

Within 15 minutes he was brought to his knees and he surrendered. 

"Hail Maharani Bharagavishi! Hail maharani janani!"

They knew I was a student of Bhargava himself and considered me a mother therefore called me with those names.

I knew I have the kingdom in order and they would manage without me for a few months. It was time for me to return to Panchal.

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