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The personal maids of Yuvrani Draupadi hesitated to ask her anything. She was lost in her own thoughts and they were afraid of angering her. 

"Only her sakha can find out what's going on now." said Malini, her head servant.

"Exactly, But he left for Dwarka last night after the ceremony. Now what can we do?" 

Their whispers shut down as Yuvrani Draupadi walked past them.

The look on her face had them even more worried as they have never seen her look so angry and lost at the same time

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The look on her face had them even more worried as they have never seen her look so angry and lost at the same time.

Unknown to them Rajkumari Shikhandini listened to their words. Their father had told her about his wish to see both of his daughters married, but she refused saying her goal for this life was different. He respected her wish and let it go. 

Draupadi is different though, they have spoken about what kind of a husband she wanted and how she is willing to marry just not at that point.

She rushed towards her father's chambers to confront him.

"Pitashree I need to talk to you about Draupadi."

His face paled and he ordered "Ekant (privacy)"

After all the servants left, he said in a worried tone, "I'm afraid I have not understood both of my daughters, I wished to see you married but maybe I overstepped my boundaries."

"Nahi Pitashree, You haven't forced either of us to get married, you only expressed your wish. When I explained my reasons, you also respected my decision."

He nodded with a smile and said " Draupadi asked me for some time before she made her decision. But I met her earlier today and she had a vacant look on her face which made me worried."

"I'm sure she is just thinking over her decision. All we have to do is wait patiently."

Meanwhile Draupadi left the palace grounds on her horse in search of answers. 

She wasn't sure how long she travelled occupied in her own thoughts. 

Lound clangs of puja bells and other noises brought her back to life and she looked for the source. 

A beautiful temple of Durga devi came into view. She heard a melodious voice singing praises of Jagjanani with utmost devotion and love. 

She entered to find prasad being distributed by the most beautiful woman she has ever seen. People called Draupadi the most beautiful woman on earth and but this unkown woman was thousand times more beautiful.

She carried herself with grace and always had a serene smile as she served the devotees. Pure happiness and peace were all she felt as she looked at her kind smile

Draupadi was admiring her so intently that she didn't notice the lady coming towards her with some prasad.

"Have some prasad, sakhi draupadi" she said with a mischievous smile.

"Sakhi? and how do you know my name devi?"

"Krishna ki sakhi ho, to Radha ka bhi sakhi ho"

(If you are krishna's friend, then you are radha's friend too)

She looked at the epitome of love Radha herself standing in front of her and fell to her feet. 

" Sakhi, your place is not at my feet but in my heart"


"I am your sakhi, Draupadi"

Her eyes teared up as she said "Sakhi, what good deeds did I do in the past that I have the honor of having your darshan."

She smiled at Yagnaseni's words, "Definitely did a lot of good deeds, but right now I'm here because you need me as I am for anyone who calls me with a pure heart."

She realized their meeting was to take away all her doubts about her swayamvar.

" Sakhi, a swayamvar is a pure ceremony held in which the bride chooses her husband. She isn't an object to be won through a competition. But do I really have all the power to choose my husband? Isn't my fate already written? Wouldn't I change a lot of things if I refuse to have a swayamvar?"

Radha listened patiently as Draupadi let out all her pent up thoughts.

"Your fate is written based on what karma you do sakhi, A swayamvar is supposed to be held only based on what the bride prefers. Anything else which forces her is Adharm. You could refuse to have a swayamvar and no one would say a word, and yes things will change. It is upto you sakhi. " 

"What about the boon from mahadev according to which draupadi gets 5 husbands? I cannot change that part right?"

"Sakhi, you chose to be Draupadi knowing she had the boon of 5 husbands, Aren't you doubting yourself with such ideas?"

"You are right sakhi, I did the karma and I should accept the results. I will do everything that is necessary for dharmasthapna in this world."

"Remember sakhi, do not let yourself be forced into doing anything. You will be the inspiration for many women in the years to come."

"Dhanyavad sakhi, I know what to do now. Please bless me so that I am successful."

Draupadi touched her lotus feet as she said "Ayushman Bhava sakhi" 

The journey back to Panchal was longer and rocky, but Draupadi's heart was doubtless and determined. She found beauty in these tough situations as it always happens when paramathma resides in your heart and soul.


As I reached the gates of panchal, I remembered that I didn't inform anyone about where I was going. I didn't know at that point but nevertheless.

Worried faces of Pitashree and Jiji appeared in my mind as I rushed back. 

"Yuvrani, you are back so soon? Usually it takes you at least one pahar before you return if you are horseriding." said Malini

"What? I have been gone for at least four pahars. I did go all the way to Vrindavan."

"Vrindavan? Where dwarakadeesh lived? But it takes days to reach there."

All I could do was stare with an open mouth as I realized this was a leela of Radharani herself.

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