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Draupadi POV

I had reached Panchal but was unsure about what Gurudev wanted me to do here. I know Drupad comes to his senses when Draupadi protects him against Govind but I didnt know if I should write a letter to Shri Krishna or if the past has changed with my interference.

"Sakhi you know all you have to do is remember me and i will be in front of you"

I turned around to see Him on my sofa eating grapes as if he has been doing it everyday.

" I have been doing it everyday sakhi you just didnt notice me." he said with a sad face.

" Govind, don't play with me right now. I have been stuck here for weeks and my father won't even let me practice and didi is somewhere searching for answers."

" Slow down Yagnaseni, Everything is fine. You will get all your answers when it is time. Now wont you even ask your priya sakha how he is?"

I shook my head at his antics and bowed down to get his blessings.

"Now tell me about the brave warrior queen of Malwa who has been the talk of Aaryavart but no one knows her name" he asked with a mischievous grin.

"Govind, you are all knowing. Of course you know about her"

" Ha I think it's Bua Kunti in disguise"

" How is she madhav? and the pandavas? the varnavrat incident took place last new moon right?"

" They are fine for now sakhi. and yes the time for them to be back is soon"

" Do you mean my swayamvar? but my father has not accepted me as his daughter nor has he given up his thoughts of revenge on guru dron. "

" Then we must change that"

I was bewildered with his words but followed him as he went towards the court.

As I entered the court of panchal, I felt something shift around me. I looked up at Govind.. wait no who is govind? The gatekeeper announced him as Dwarakadeesh Shri Krishna but all i knew was Dwaraka was miles away from panchal. Why was he here and why does he look so angry?

"Panchalraj Drupad, I am here to challenge you. You haven't fulfilled your dharma of protecting your kingdom properly and therefore i will kill you."

All i heard was that my father's life was in danger and that dwarakadeesh was very much capable of it. He released his sudarshan chakra and i watched it move towards my father.

I didnt have much time to think as i ran to protect him. I knew my weapons were useless aginst the chakra but i knew I cannot live knowing i let my father die before my eyes. 

"Move away panchali, Sudarshan Chakra is aimed towards your father not you" Dwarakadeesh's voice boomed in the court.

"It will have to pass through me to reach my father Shri Krishna"

"But all he has ever done is reject you, he cursed you to live a life full of troubles as you were born. He brought up his son as a weapon to take revenge on guru dron. He considers his own children as weapons."

His words struck a chord within me but I stood my ground.

"It is my dharma to protect my father, and i will do so until my last breath."

He smiled and withdrew sudarshan chakra, I breathed a sigh as he explained dharma to my father and I could see waves of understanding and guilt pool in his eyes as tears. 

" Putri Draupadi, I have wronged you all your life but you were ready to give up your life to save me. How do I atone for all my sins putri." 

"Pitashree you were blinded by revenge, but now that you have realized your mistakes you have already atoned for them."

I felt myself remember kaliyug and meeting Govind and how he made me forget about him to convince my father to accept me. He knew I would never stand against him if I knew everything about him. He gave me a sheepish smile and i rolled my eyes.

"I announce that my daughter Draupadi will be the one to rule Panchal after me." 

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