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                                                                   Dawn's POV

I never really cared for fancy dinner parties. 

I liked to keep things simple. But tonight I will make an exception for ...

Marco I've never met him before...never heard of him....I don't know him but when I got a phone call from one of him telling me I needed to come for dinner for business I complied. I would have no clue why someone as important as him would want to have dinner with a eighteen year old. But here I am driving to his house. I crank to music and take another hit from my cigarette. I was never one to get nervous but this shit? This shit is really scary...I had no clue who this man was nor did I know how he knew me and what he wanted with me...he just told me to come for dinner. 

I take a look at the address on my phone and it should be around here..."HOLY SHIT" I say out loud. The "house" he sent me to was a huge mansion more like castle! I turn into the drive way but I'm stopped by the security guard. 

He asked for my ID and I gave it to him. unexpected but ok?  they are carrying guns...what the fuck did I get myself into?

They nod me through the gate and I pull into where they show me where to part. I stop the car after parking it and step out of the car and drop my cigarette butt and smash it with my shoe.  putting it out. I look up and take it all in... the sun setting and the HUGE mansion. It was white with gold brims and many windows. Two missive doors that are wood stand only a few feet away from me. 

I take in a sharp breath of the warm air...summers coming to an end I think to myself as I walk up to the doors. I knock on the door when I hear shuffling on the other side. The doors are so big that It makes me look small. And let me tell you I'm average height. 

The doors open and I come face to face with a door man...yes you heard me right a fucking door man. "Yes?" He says politely. "I'm here for the dinner party? Ummm...  Marco sent for me? My name is Dawn?" I try to explain to him. " Oh yes come right in Mr. Marco will be right down in a second. 

He walks away and I stand there at the now closed door. I look up and I finally take a moment to take my surroundings in. And damn...This house was fucking AMAZING!!  marble floors with bluish greenish walls with matching furniture, art all over the walls and all the rims gold. I'm so distracted that I don't see the man come  up behind of me. 

"well hello there" A deep and rumbly voice says behind me. I freeze. Not knowing what to do. Men always freak me out. "My name is Marco We talked on the phone." 

He says as I slowly turn around. My eyes are met with a tall macular man who has tan skin and is in a very well suited suit. My eyes meet his and there a dark green. His hair is dark and short but long it's weird...You could see tattoos on his neck and hands. 

I'm guessing his whole body is covered in them. 

 "H-hi?" I say not knowing what to say. 

"hmm and you call yourself?" He says raising an eyebrow. "oh shit" I say under my breath. I clear my throat and straighten myself out. " My name is Dawn, I'm here for the dinner party you sent me for?" 

He chuckles under his breath and looks away and then back at me. 

"Yes I did send for you. But I didn't expect..." He says looking down at my clothes 

I frown when I understand where he's getting at but before I could give him a piece of my mind were called for dinner.   We walk into the next room and WOW...  a huge table stretches across the room. And the room? Don't get me started. Lets just say it looks like a version of what the foyer looks like. But fancier.  

I look down at the plates and I can see there are name places. I look for mine but, mines by the end of the table but then I notice it's actually the head of the table right by Marco who's already sitting down. There are a bunch of men already sitting down. 

I take my seat and look at all the other people. They are all dressed in well nicer clothes then me. LOL. Mine look like shit. Not to mention my hair and the way I smell...I just had a fucking smoke...I'm going to stink not to mention I just got out of work and that had to mean I stank. 

Shit I really should have planned for this. 

But who knew I was going to a fancy ass house. sorry mansion! I look around confused at where the food was and servants. yes. servants. Came out and brought us the food. It was steaming hot. And holy shit it smelled good. But that's not the fact that it still creeped me out. 

 once the servants set the food down everyone starts to fill their plate with food. I start to do the same. I start to eat because I'm starving and haven't eaten all day but I'm stopped by the silence that is rushed over the table.

I look up with my mouth full of food and look at all the eyes around me. 

"It's ok. she's new. go ahead everyone and eat." the Marco says beside me. And I look in horror at the man beside me. What the fuck did I just do? I start to go crazy in my head of what I did. I was just eating and then.............................................. oh wait was I suppose to wait for him- 

my thoughts are interrupted by Marco. "So where's all you stuff? or is it all in a big van?" 

I stop. 

"excuse me?" I say looking him dead in the eyes. 

" Your suppose to move in here? your family passed away right? this dinner is suppose to be you welcoming... were you not listening to me on the phone?" I blink up at him and that tells him everything. 

he sighs and sets his fork down. " Amore please tell me you know what's going on"

I think to myself and try to remember our conversation and All I can think of was that joint while I was on the phone call. 

"Dawn, your family passed away in the beginning   of the summer, yes?' I nod knowing what happened not wanting to bring up the memory. "well when they did a contract that I signed many years ago said that everything in your family would go to me. and that also meant  you."

I start to breathe heavily as he's telling me this. 

"WHAT? I don't remember my  family signing anything. and especially not you." I yell in his face. I know I didn't need to yell but just the way he brought my family with so much disrespect. AND I was not happy to hear that I had to live here. I was happy where I was... living couch to couch...but It didn't matter. I had everything I wanted. 

" Amore please understand Where's all your things? We have a room ready for you here...where do you live right now?" He says softly I look up and meet all the eyes that are still on me. everything is just way to overwhelming right now I stand up. "thank you for dinner" and I leave. rushing out of that amazing huge mansion and walk down to my car. I get into it and start the engine. I see Francesco walking out of the house. He makes the doors look small... wow... but before he can get near my car I put my car in reverse and drive away. 

I sigh as I drive away from that house. 

what the fuck just happened? 

I have so many unanswered questions. 

why me?

what did my family do?

I start to get really over whelmed with my thoughts so I turn on my music and pull out a cigarette and light it. I take a very slow long puff. 

"what did you do mama?"

MovementsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora