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                                                                 Dawns POV. 

My long shift ends  and I am truly exhausted and starving.  I grab my bag from the back and wave to the other staff god bye. Nick catches me at the door. 

" wanna talk about it?" He asks me with a shy look. 

"talk about what?" I say knowing what he was talking about but that was the last thing I wanted to talk about. "oh um how a HUGE guy just tried to kidnap you and forced you to open your car up? huh?" I says his face getting hard. 

"Well he's just a friend and he was just helping-" but before I can finish my lie Nick stops me.

"I know about your boyfriend. And how he treats you. I see you cover up your...sigh...I just really want to help you and I don't know about this new guy but I know about the last one you with right now...." 

I look away from him trying to hold back my tears. Why do I have to cry so much today?

"Nick It's non of your business so just leave me alone." I say sternly while walking past him. 

I wanted his help so, so, so much but I knew I couldn't ask for it. Because I know no one would help me and I would be left alone so why get help. When it's just going to leave you even more broken then you already are?

I walk out the front door and into the parking lot. I take my car keys out and look up. And that's when my heart stops. 

My car was gone. 

A pool of tears welled up and I started to panic. It was here this afternoon when I got here and when I walked out here with....wait....if he was the last one out here with my car...I shake that thought away as I walk to where my car was earlier.  Who would want to take my car? I will admit that it is a piece of shit and it has no value to it but who would just take it? 

All these thoughts go through my head as Nick calls out to me "Hey Dawn where's your car?" I look back at him not wanting to tell him what happened. "you need a ride?" he says waving me to his car. "No I'm going to catch the buss I'll me fine." I wave him away while making my way to the bus stop. 

I take a seat at the bus stop knowing only one place I could go. I take out my phone from my pocket and dial the one number I hated most. Jack's  phone number. My boyfriends number. 

tears stream down my checks as I hold the phone up to my ear. I wanted to scream. But when I open my mouth to the other side on the phone picks up and it's him. I start to shake. 

"yes?" the voice says on the phone. 

"H...hey Jack it's me Dawn...." I say trying to sound normal. 

"Fuck Dawn what do you want?" he says I can hear him clench the phone with his hands. 

"umm I need a place to stay tonight I was wondering if I could stay at yours?" I say hoping he says no so I can sleep on the streets instead. 

"Fuck Dawn I have the boys over..."He's cut off by one of his friends "Heyyeyeye is that DAWNYY? BRING HER OVER I WANNA SEE THAT PRITY LITTLE FACE" I hear on the other end. I start to shake. "Fine Dawn come on over but bring beer." then he hangs up. 

I sigh and wipe my tears knowing that they didn't want to see me upset. 

I walk onto the bus that just pulled up and I pay the driver and walk to a seat and sit down beside an old lady. I put my headphones on and then sit back and close my eyes. trying to think of anything else and try to think that I'm somewhere else with someone else. Someone who really loves me. Who cares for me and loves me for who I am. "you look like you've been through a lot young lady." the old lady says beside me. "hmm yeah I've had a rough couple of days." I say sighing. "Well just remember that home your on your way to your safe warm home. And hopefully to a loving someone?" She says softly trying to make conversation. I bite back my tears.  Because I know that non of the things she's saying are true for me. And will never be true. 

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