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Lucy remembers very little about Harry Potter and Mel Dumbledore.

She was seven years old when she first met them, and lived four houses down the same street they lived in. She remembers being Harry's classmate, and how awful his cousin was to him— she remembers the chubby brown-haired girl showing up during recess and talking nonstop about her day. 

She remembers the day that hideous kid stepped on her sandwich and left her with nothing to eat— and then they showed up:

Mel Dumbledore was known to be loud and whiny, the other kids always said Harry Potter was her only friend cause he was also an outcast, so when Lucy saw them approach, she couldn't help but feel a bit wary about their presence.

"Hi," The small girl said. "Mary's a stinky cow... here, you can have half of our stuff."

She placed a doughnut and half a sandwich on Lucy's lap, her touch was gentle, unexpected coming from a girl with such a voice.

"We don't eat much anyway," Lucy's gaze travelled from Mel's round cheeks to her belly, Mel blushed. "Hey, don't look at me like that!" The boy nudged her arm giving her a stern look. "Well... Harry doesn't eat much, and I don't mind sharing— you didn't get to eat at all, and my mum says breakfast is very important."

Lucy looked down at the food, she felt embarrassed about it, but she was genuinely touched.

"Thank you," She muttered. 

"Don't mention it," Mel said happily. 

The girl walked away without looking back, the boy —Harry— hesitated, he looked down at her and added in a very serious tone:

"It'd be better if you really don't mention this to anyone," He grimaced. "If you don't want them to think you're our friend, that is."


He smiled awkwardly at her, then quickly caught up with Mel, who started to chat as soon as he approached her.

From that day on Lucy knew they were special. Harry by himself wasn't an impressive sight, Mel on her own looked like any other girl at school. Together, though, eyes were immediately drawn to them, and they didn't even notice.

Years later, when she was eleven, she stopped seeing them at school. Now she would only see them during the summer, and it was brief every time.

"D'you think Fred and George don't know what movies are either?" 

The sound of her voice caused Lucy to stop in her tracks, she looked through the aisle and saw Mel Dumbledore's head, next to her was Harry, now almost the same height as her.

"Maybe," He answered, placing a box of cereal on the basket she was carrying. "Why don't you take some of your movies with you? Bet they'd like to watch a few..."

"Mum said muggle stuff wouldn't work around them— says it messes 'em up..."

Lucy frowned, what the bloody hell was a muggle?

"If you weren't such a stubborn duck you could come with me and my mum! I'm certain they invited you as well! Ron's your best friend, of course you're invited!"

"I don't want to assume things..."

"Oh, shut up, that's nonsense," Mel huffed. "Fiddlesticks."

Lucy smiled at their little banter, she started to walk to the end of the hall, it was nice to hear that they'd finally gotten more friends, and by the sound of it, they were classmates still— certainly those rumours about Harry going to a school for young criminals was all a lie... oh well, she was glad him and Mel seemed to be having a better time—

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