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To be clear, Mel had no idea as to why Harry was such a fan of physical contact lately. Harry didn't know why he was acting like this either, but he didn't want to stop. He didn't know why his first reaction was to be constantly touching her, but he did know why was he doing it. Harry was gone over Mel. 

The exact date he realized something weird was going on was before the start of his second year. It was his birthday and for the first time in years, he'd been forced to spend it by himself. Mel had gone to the burrow and he was still waiting for his invitation. 

The funny part was that the thing that was upsetting him wasn't that he was alone, he could deal with that, his birthdays hadn't been something he would actively look forward to, but he was upset about the fact that Mel was having fun with other people. It sounded selfish, yes, but it also sounded completely true for his twelve-year-old self. Mel was having fun, and she probably didn't miss him. 

Then she arrived in the Ford Anglia with the rest of the Weasleys, and they wasted no time in telling Harry that she'd been the one who'd been nagging about checking and going to his rescue. The joy Harry felt when he found out Mel hadn't actually forgotten about him... that's when he knew something was up.

Now, Harry had always liked her a normal amount. She was his best friend, and he had the strange feeling she could read his thoughts as much as he could read hers. It was special, he didn't know what it was, but Harry was thankful that he could have her.

Then during their third-year things started to really get out of control. He was barely able to keep his mouth shut about Mel, and not only Ron, but Hermione was starting to notice too. Luckily for him, they never said a word to their friend, who seemed oblivious to it all.

Then fourth-year arrived, and Mel had grown. Not a lot when it came to height, but she was definitely different. It was the first time in a long time that her hair was reaching further down her shoulders, and she was still the same clumsy, impulsive girl from years back, but there was a different form to the way she would act around others. Even around him. 

By the time the Yule Ball arrived Harry had long ago accepted he had a crush, but he was bitter about it. Of course he fancied her, Mel was the prettiest girl in the whole school! And of course, he wasn't the only one who could tell, he would listen to older boys talking about her, or even Dean and Seamus whenever they thought Harry wasn't paying attention. It would make the monster in his stomach jump around and wish it could shut their mouths permanently.

And so this is why now, a few days after the Yule Ball, Harry finds himself making up excuses to hold her close. Thankfully Mel doesn't mind, she's always been okay with physical contact, as children she used to be the one to hug him all the time, she'd stopped doing that this year, and he was wondering if it was because of something he'd said.

Mel was sitting in front of the fireplace, snuggled up with Grey beside her, she was playing with the cat, a soft smile brightening her entire face. Harry approached and sat beside her, he yawned and stretched. With his heart pounding against his ribcage he tried his best to look casual as he shifted and placed his head on her lap. Mel stopped all her movements.

"...Hi?" She replied, her voice trembling with nervous laughter.

"Hi," He tilted his head and looked up to her. "How's your day going?"

"Uneventful," She sighed, her attention now completely on him. "Are you tired?" Mel grinned.

"Exhausted," Harry smiled. "Mind if I take a nap?"

"Oh no, I'd hate to disrupt the champion's peace," Mel joked. "Please do use me as a pillow, not that I mind or anything."

"That's very kind of you."

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