July 31st, 1988

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Mel insisted so relentlessly that it felt like she and Harry had been friends for years instead of months. Technically, they'd been friends for years, they just aren't aware of it, they were babies when they stopped spending time together.

Yet, the kids only needed one afternoon to go back to their old ways. It was as if part of them knew they were meant to know each other.

The biggest obstacle turned out to be nonexistent when Emily heard Harry was free of any chores for the day. Apparently, the Dursleys were kind enough to not force Harry to make any work on his birthday, but they would still ignore him the whole day. When it comes to the Dursleys, that's still a big accomplishment.

'Harry's going to grow older eventually, and we'll be able to celebrate his birthday better,' She thought.

The first birthday Harry ever had, unable to leave his home, no presents or anything, was bitter to her memory. Not even one decent party for the boy in his life, Emily had to do something about it.

Mel was already halfway through her plan when she asked her mother for help. Luckily for her, it seemed like her daughter inherited a strong will and stubborn attitudes.

She'd done it right with that one. Mel was a kind soul, a bit rough around the edges like any kid, but she could see so much of Matt on her that she knew her daughter would be great no matter what.

Emily heard the little girl's demands from outside the front door and chuckled, that was where her part of the equation had stuck. Mel could be bossy from time to time, too emotional, she'd been responsible of many mishaps at school thanks to her temper -and her magic, but it was too soon for Mel to know that.

"Hurry up, Harry!" Mel's voice came a bit strangled, which was her way of holding back her excitement. The girl wasn't the best liar, much like Matt when he was her age, but it was good, one thing she didn't have to worry about, her daughter was an open book. There was no way that kid could hide things from her.

"M'going!" Harry responded.

It was around one o'clock when Mel went to Harry's house. They did their best to decorate properly and she was happy to admit they'd done a brilliant work. When he walked in, his expression was priceless.

"Happy birthday, kid!" Emily said cheerfully.

"I-" Harry turned scarlet, his eyes widening as he took it all in. "Is... all for... for..."

"It's your birthday, isn't it?" Mel asked, suddenly dubious. "I didn't make a mistake did I?"

Emily knew she hadn't, but how could she know that, if she'd never talked to Harry before? She remained quiet, waiting for the boy to go back to his senses.

"It is," Harry looked at her. "This is for me?"

"Yes?" Mel frowned. "It's your birthday... you don't like it?"

Harry then turned to Emily. He blinked and opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out. Harry was the sweetest kid she'd ever met (if she didn't count the time when she met Matt during their childhood), he was ever so polite and quiet, maybe the quiet part would worn out once he felt comfortable around them, but for the rest she was thankful Harry hadn't adopted the Dursley's way.

"He's just overwhelmed, aren't you Harry?" Emily asked kindly. "Would you like to sit down? We have lunch ready back in the kitchen..."

"Mum also rented movies for us," Mel continued, this time in a softer tone. "Harry, please just say something..."

Harry's eyes turned watery but he blinked it away, rubbing his nose with the back of his sleeve and shaking his head a little.

"I like it," He said shortly, a shy smile coming to his face. "I don't remember telling you about my birthday..."

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