October 31st, 2000

30 4 0

Harry was dozing off on the chair when Mel's voice brought him back. He didn't really listen to what she'd said, so he had to ask her to repeat it a second time.

"Can we go to Godric's Hollow?"

He frowned, slowly sitting up to face her. "What for?"

She looked down, Grey was purring pleasantly, sprawled on her legs as he'd done for almost a decade.

"I just can't stop thinking about them..."


"We're the same age they were," she said knowing Harry would understand. "They had no idea that year would be one of their lasts..."


She laughed tiredly, rubbing her forehead. "I know I shouldn't talk about it. But if I can't talk about it with you when it comes to mind, what should I do?"

Harry shook his head. "I didn't mean it like that, you can talk about it..." he got up and approached her, then sat next to her. "Say what's on your mind. I'm listening."

"It just occurred to me, the only time I've seen their graves was through a vision when you went there with Hermione," she shrugged. "I should go pay my respects properly. I know they're looking after us and I don't need to go as much as I don't need the stone to talk to my father... but I want to go."

Harry looked ahead, his gaze was a little absent. "If any time's the right one, I guess this would be it, right?"

"That's exactly why I'm thinking about it. Halloween is in two days."

Harry made a face. "You know, I hardly ever made the connection. I know Halloween is the night they died, but it's also the night we made peace with Hermione, and it's the night I would go to your house and stuff myself with sweets..."

She smiled a little. "I know, I don't think about it much either, it's just that it came to me now that we're living together."

In spite of the theme of the conversation, Harry's insides twisted with joy. He was too pleased about having Mel, in the house of their dreams, living the life they'd longed for forever. It was hard to get sucked into the sadness when such a happy thing was going on.

"I'll take you," he promised. "We should go this year. I don't think we need to be anywhere for them to listen to us, but if you want to go, we'll go together."

Mel's eyes lit up, she cupped his face with one hand and kissed his cheek. "Thank you."

Harry felt he was getting too big of a reward for doing almost nothing, he blushed and got upset about it, he was an adult! Why did these things keep happening?

Mel's attention went back to Grey, but Harry wasn't done. "You're not mad that I threw away the stone, are you? I never asked."

It was her turn to frown. "You had to. Just like the wand. They're not meant to be used, really. I'm not even sure they should've been made."

"You think the story's real?"

She smiled in a way that was strikingly similar to Dumbledore's. "The objects were real, weren't they? But you're asking me if I think Death made them. I don't."


"Because men using their brains and magical abilities is not such an outstanding event as to think they deserve a reward. Besides, thinking Death has a spot she likes because people tend to die a lot there? That's mental!"

Harry got even more confused. "Is it?"

She chuckled. "Just think about it, Glasses! We're all going to die in the end, what's the rush? More so, people die all the time! Why would she be so hungry for three souls?"

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