1994 - 2002

36 2 0

In the summer after their third year at Hogwarts, Mel and Harry knew all about their past and how it was intertwined. Now aware of their forgotten history, something in their friendship had shifted. 

It felt like having Mel in his life was meant to be. He'd always wondered if Mel was his friend out of a necessity to defend each other from bullies, and perhaps that was true, but now he was the first friend her parents had chosen for her. 

Selfishly, Harry was pleased, he had an advantage over the Slytherin boy she was friends with. Though he wasn't that worried about him. He didn't remember what Erick Flint was supposed to look like, in his head he was a younger version of Marcus Flint, only less stupid if he'd been smart enough to get into Mel's good graces.

"What are you thinking?"

Harry gave a start, Mel was looking at him from under the tree where she liked to sit every day. She was grinning, he was probably looking like an idiot, eyes absent and staring at his feet.

"If you're done pretending to be a garden gnome, can you come here and help me?"

Harry stood without even asking what she needed, when he realized he'd obeyed too quickly, he stopped. "Help you with what?"

Mel showed him her camera, she was trying to tie a new strap around the small slot, but it kept slipping from her fingers. "I need you to hold the camera while I tie this, my hands are too sweaty to do both."

Harry sat in front of her, his knee grazed the skin of her leg and he tried to ignore the shocks that came from it. Mel was focused on her task: her brows were furrowed, and the tip of her tongue was peering from between her lips. A lock of hair was falling on her face and she was unconsciously tilting her head to get it off.

Harry acted on instinct, his hand reached up and pushed the hair behind her ear. The girl didn't move away, but she looked at him with wide eyes and to Harry that felt like a clear sign of rejection.

"Sorry," he apologized. "You had... your hair was getting in the way and you were... I helped."

Even though none of what he'd said made sense to him, Mel understood. That was another great thing about her. She smiled, nodding shortly. "Thank you." 

Mel grabbed the camera and put the strap around her neck. Harry got up, but he still had the mind to reach down and help her. Mel's grip tightened around his fingers and kept him in place.

She lifted her camera and stood closer. "Smile big, Glasses!"

Harry shook his head, but he was smiling. He leaned closer until their faces were pressed against one another.

"Happy birthday, Mellow..." 

The moment Mel pressed the button, he moved his head and planted a kiss on her cheek.


Ron wasn't going to admit he missed Harry, nor that he regretted their fight, but he was a little glad he didn't have to hear him whining about Mel and Erick.

"I feel a little bad for Harry," Dean admitted one morning. "I'm starting to believe he didn't put his name in."

"Of course he didn't, he's not stupid," Ron was quick to reply. 

"You don't think he put his name in?" Seamus was confused.

"I don't."

"Then why are you mad at him?"

Ron avoided his eyes. "That's my business."

Dean raised a brow, he spotted Harry seated at the Gryffindor table and smirked. "Well, rotten luck or no luck, he still has something we don't."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2023 ⏰

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