Christmas, 1985

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Remus Lupin used to think his twenty-year-old self would live a quiet life.  A lonely one, but happy nonetheless. He had no idea he would end up chasing after a five-year-old girl on Christmas morning.

"Mel!" He ran through the trees holding the little girl's hat. "Come back!"

The only reply he got was the child's cackles as she ran around the forest, probably running after a squirrel. Emily had trusted Remus with the little girl only because he'd assured her that he could handle it. It was clear that it had been a lie, with every passing year Mel seemed to gain more and more energy.

He heard a soft thud and rush over to the sound. Mel had fallen face-first next to a tree, probably tripped on its roots. 

"Oh, dear..." He picked her up right away and examined her face, she looked a bit disoriented, like she couldn't believe what had just happened. Remus frowned. "I told you not to run, Mel."

"But there was a bunny!" Mel's eyes widened in excitement. "A white one, uncle Lu!"

She had lots of trouble pronouncing 'Remus', so she usually called him Lu. He didn't mind it.

"Well, of course," Remus's arms held her firmly as he carried her back to the house. "This is a forest. They live here. Now let the poor thing have a peaceful morning."

"But it's Christmas!"

"Exactly," Remus poked her side playfully. "You're a strange little thing. I never knew a kid that would rather go out and chase bunnies when she could be opening her presents in a warm room."

Mel giggled as a reply, wrapping her arms around his neck and happily letting him take her back to the house. Once there, Emily welcomed them with a warm plate of cookies and hot chocolate.

"What happened to you, you little devil?" Emily frowned in amusement.

"Alice tried to chase after a bunny but her legs are too small," Remus said, then smiled awkwardly. "Sorry. I tried to stop her but she's way too fast for a toddler."

"Tell me about it," Emily raised a brow. "Let's go wash your hands, Mely..."

The woman tried to grab the girl's hand but Mel ran back to Remus and hugged his leg tightly.

"I want my uncle Lu to help me!"

Emily crossed her arms and frowned. 

"Beg your pardon?"

Mel smiled apologetically and rephrased her demand.

"Uncle Lu, can you help me?"

"Gladly," Remus grinned, picking her up once more.

"You're spoiling that child, Moony!" Emily yelled as he took Mel to the sink.

He laughed. "Well, she's the only niece I'll ever have, I think I'm allowed to spoil her a bit."

"What's a spoil?" Mel asked as he scrubbed her palms.

"It means that I love you lots," Said Remus, kissing the top of her head.

Mel scrunched up her nose and giggled again, squirming away from his grasp as soon as she was done washing her hands. They sat around the table, Emily had to put a few cushions on Mel's chair so she could reach her plate. 

"Would you like to open your presents after breakfast?"

Mel nodded,  stuffing her mouth with cookies.

"Ha' you open' you's?" She asked with her mouth full.

"Mel, don't be messy," Emily replied, cleaning her daughter's face. "No, I haven't. I was waiting for you two."

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