Hand in hand

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Later that evening, the team "dad" Xiao Rui came over to the house and called everyone to the lounge.

" Kids, shouldn't we arrange a skirmish soon? We paid an arm and a leg for our new toy. Time to show it off"

Tang Yao looked embarrassed while the others grinned at her. Only the captain looked disinterested. They all started debating which team they should arrange the first skirmish with when the captain calmly called - " I have arranged a skirmish with YQCB on Thursday. They have a new AD, the Pope", stood up, grabbed a cigarette and walked out.

K - " They have a new AD?"

Chessman " En. They will announce it officially soon" . There was something about the Chessman's face that confused Tang Yao. She kept silent till he walked out and asked, " Is there history between the Pope and our captain?"

Xiao Rui , " I'm grateful you didn't ask that question in front of him. Our captain was Pope's substitute AD when they originally started playing games in Korea. Our captain was the only one to force the Pope to be a substitute for two seasons till he eventually left and came back to China to start our own team.Very patriotic, our captain is. "

They all dispersed after hearing this story. Tang Yao picked up Da Bing, her cat, and walked to the balcony door. She thought, ' This man is too perfect. Good looking, great set of morals and seems like a decent person.' The Chessman was standing there with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. She waved Da Bing's paw through the glass  and said, " Don't worry. We'll win. I will help you carry the game"

He was surprised at her perceptiveness. He simply said, " Silly girl" and ruffled her hair and walked back inside.  After some time, Smiling was preparing for the game by playing some solos. She got her second preferred position of ADC and she got Kalista as her champion. She studied the rules and abilities and decided to ask the master of Kalista , her captain who was sitting next to her.

" Cheng-ge  how do you activate the rune combination of Kalista?" There was no answer for a while, so she reached over, pulled his earphone out and repeated her question.

As she leaned over, she saw the comments on his screen

[Dashen, is that a girl's hand?]

[ What a sweet voice! Is that smiling?]

[Cheng-ge show her face! We want to see smiling]

She blinked.

Chessman - " I'm live streaming. The kind with the camera on"

She was just about to say sorry when he dragged himself to her desk showed her the rune combination while talking through it. The comments on his chat stream had exploded.

[We want to see smiling. Show her face]

[Cheng-ge is so kind and generous]

[How dare she interrupt him]

[Hubby, ignore her, come back...I want to see you]

After that, Tang Yao kept radio silence. She even tiptoed when she went to the bathroom. This was the first time, Lu Sicheng really enjoyed live streaming, he decided to do more of these in the future. Xiao Rui who was sitting on the other side commented after a while, " You should start live streaming smiling with video. Its part of your contract"

Tang Yao - " Do I have to do a video stream ? Why can't I continue to do the video less gameplay streams I normally do?"

Xiao Rui - " You have to show your face soon enough. Why shy away now? Besides, you need to make up your hours"

The Smiling Chessman - Falling into your smileWhere stories live. Discover now