Hot and Cold

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Note- I love song titles as chapter titles. This one is Katy Perry - " You're hot and your cold. You're yes then you're no. You're in then you're out, You're up then you're down, You're wrong when it's right, It's black and it's white, We fight, we break up, We kiss, we make up"

The next morning, she came downstairs to hear that Little Fatty telling the others, " It seems our missy is getting more and more admirers. You know that Lee Hang Suk aka "Kun" from the FNC team, he was commenting on her gameplay and praising her endlessly. It'll be interesting to see how the game with them will be today"

They grew silent when they saw her and she pretended as if she hadn't heard it. She grabbed her coffee and went back upstairs to get ready for the game. ZGDX won the first game against FNC amdist screaming fans. During the break, Kun came by to the ZGDX dressing room acting all sweet and charming. He held a Starbucks cup in his hand. He said, " Smiling! You are such an awesome player. It is an honor to play against you. I want to learn from you! Will you teach me? Here, I heard on your stream that you like American coffee. So I brought Starbucks for you."

Tang Yao was a bit uncomfortable but thought he was sincere. Besides, she knew he had a girlfriend, so obviously he wasn't hitting on her( or atleast that's what she thought).  Lu Sicheng was irritated while the rest of the team was amused with the situation. She haltingly said, " Everyone who plays in the league is a friend of mine. There's nothing special about what I do, it's just practice. You don't need to bring me coffee. Thanks for the Starbucks. Good luck with the next game!"

Kun " Smiling Jiejie, please add me to your Weibo. I want to message you now and then with questions "

Deciding this wouldn't harm anyone, she added him. He left promptly. FNC won the next game but ZGDX came back strong in the third game and won. She was declared the MVP of the game.

Interviewer - " Great performance today Smiling. How do you feel? What do you want to say to your fans"

Smiling- " Great! It was a good game. To our supporters, thank you for watching and encouraging us. It means a lot to me personally and the rest of the team!"

Interviewer- " So, smiling, recently we have heard some rumors that you were spotted with a certain dashing man"

Smiling paused wondering how she could tactfully answer this, " I think you answered your own question"

After a few seconds the interviewer realized, " Clever response! So , its all rumors then! Are you single?"

Smiling, " Hahaha . I am very single. I think our manager Xiao Rui called us the ZGDX monastery at one point" and left.

When Tang Yao boarded the bus, she saw two empty seats, one , her usual aisle seat next to the captain who was sleeping with his jacket on his face leaning on the window and second, the window seat next to Kun in the same row. She forced a smile and sat next to the captain.

" Kun, what are you doing here?"

" Smiling jiejie, I told you I wanted to learn from you. You came back so strong after we beat you in the second game. How did you play so well?"

She began explaining the game play, everyone had tuned them out. They were either sleeping or listening to music. After a while, she got a text from Kun. [ Jiejie, you are even more beautiful upclose. So natural] She wondered, ' He is Korean after all. His Chinese sounds pretty broken, did he mean to say something else?' She was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Kun flashed her a wide smile and continued typing, [ You are so unlike other girls. No pretense, no make up. How do you manage to be so amazing? You deserve all the good things. Did you like your Starbucks? I had my assistant drive 5kms to get it for you!]

Tang Yao drew a sharp breath ' Okay , so this is intentional' She didn't want to make another rival out of him, but also wanted to let him down gently. She paused wondering what to type when she heard the man next to her ask, " What?" softly.

She whispered while pretending to read his message " I think, Kun is hitting on me". Lu Sicheng glanced at her phone surreptitiously reading the messages. " How do you feel about it?"

She whispered back, " It's unwelcome and unwanted attention. I am thinking of a way to refuse gently" . Chessman smiled his evil smile and said, " I have a better idea" He snatched her phone, installed the Korean keyboard and typed in Korean,

Chessman from Smiling's phone [ 그녀는 내 여자입니다. 그녀를 내버려 둬 ] ( She's my girl, leave her alone)

Kun - 형제여, 이것은 공평하지 않습니다 ( brother, this is not fair) 인터뷰에서 그녀는 싱글이라고 말했다 ( in the interview she said she was single)

Chessman - [ 그녀가 있더라도 오래 가지 않을 것입니다.] ( even if she is, it won't last long) 내가 말했듯이 그녀는 내 여자입니다. 꺼져. ( like I said, she is my girl, back off)

By now, Smiling had snatched her phone back from Lu Sicheng , only to find out he was chatting in Korean. She had only copied the first line in Korean when he snatched her phone back and deleted all the messages in Korean. Lu Sicheng " He won't bother you know"

Smiling- " What did you say to him in Korean. Why did you delete it?"

Kun - [ Jiejie. You are an awesome player. I respect and admire you]

When they reached their destination, a restaurant, Kun left hastily. Smiling, " Lu Sicheng, I am grateful but what did you tell him?" He refused to answer.

As they were about to eat, Tang Yao got a phone call from home. She got up and walked away to take it. Incidentally, the captain who had gone to the bathroom was passing by and he overheard a rather loud voice from the other side.

Mom- " Yao Yao. Your brat of a brother has failed in math again. What's worse, he came back today with a black eye. Now he has again gone somewhere. Aiyaaaaaaah, it's so late. I don't know what to do"

Before she could respond, they heard another voice, " Eyy...why did you call Yao Yao. What can she do from Shanghai. You have spoiled the little brat. Unlike his sister, he is such a headache all the time. I will give him a good beating myself when he comes home"

Mom- " Yao Yao, your father is really angry at him this time. Little Tang doesn't tell us anything these days. I don't know what to do. Please try to call your brother and see if he picks up"

Tang Yao walked outside the restaurant as Lu Sicheng watched, collapsed on the bench outside, yet managed to compose herself and started calling someone on the phone. He really felt bad for her, with all the admirers relentlessly pursuing her, the online rumors , Kun and now this. Giving her some privacy, he went back to the dinner. After sometime, she was still on the phone when Xiao Rui walked out calling her inside, " Smiling, come eat. Who are you talking to for so long?"

She had found her brother and talked him into going back home by then. Smiling was in no mood for dinner  " Ge, you guys carry on. I am going out with my friend Jiyang. We don't have a game for the next few days anyway." Xiao Rui was about to object when Ming-ge understood how she felt and  said, " Let her go. She has had a rough week"

Ming ge came back and announced that Smiling had gone out with a friend.

Lu Yiu -" Maybe our mid has finally accepted some admirer's proposal. Ming-ge, does that mean I'll be the new mid?"

The captain smacked him on the head at the same time as Ming who said, " Brat, if you are half as dedicated as smiling, you would have learned how to play better by now. You are not serious about anything". They headed home. It was already 11. Tang Yao hadn't returned. Everyone went to bed except the captain and Ming.

Lu Sicheng- " Ming-ge, where is she? Its getting quite late"

Ming -" She said she is going out with her friend Jiyang, the mid next door's girl. Don't worry"

It was past midnight and she still hadn't returned home. Lu Sicheng couldn't rest without knowing she was okay. He sent her a text

[ Shortie, where are you?]

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