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Note- Another song title. Closer by the chainsmokers

She had just managed to get him to accept her apology, when Tang Yao noticed later that afternoon one of the Captain's fishes missing. She despaired. Da Bing had eaten one of the goldfish. The  fish tank had cat hair.

Putting two and two together, she geared up to make another apology. " Lu Sicheng, Da Bing has given into his nature and eaten one of your sons. I am so sorry".  Lu Sicheng had already realized this earlier in the day. He wondered how long it would take for her to realize. He wasn't particularly upset, fish had short life spans. Sure, he valued life but he was also realistic. He wordlessly went back upstairs. After a few minutes, Tang Yao knocked on his door.

" Lu Sicheng, I am sincerely sorry. I have put Da bing in his crate upstairs. I feel like all I'm doing these days is apologizing to you"

He smirked, she was so adorable as she bit her lower lip. His heart melted at her sheepish smile. When he stayed silent, she continued, " Captain, tomorrow we have a day off. If you are free, do you want to go to the market to replace your fish? I will make up for Da Bing's mistake"

Captain - " Ok" and smiled. She promptly left wondering how long it would take for him to forgive her this time. The next morning around 10, the rest of the housemates were still milling about yawning in their sleepwear. Tang Yao came downstairs in a simple white pleated skirt with floral prints , a coral top and her hair down in cascading waves. She carried a pair of new wedges in her hand. Overall ,she looked fresh and pretty. A few minutes later, Lu Sicheng came downstairs in a pale yellow linen shirt and a pair of light gray pants. He also had a stud in one of his ears. As they were putting on shoes to head out-

Xiao Rui- " Why do the two of you look like you're heading to the civil affairs bureau every time you head out?"

Captain- " I dress like this every day" ...well sort of, but not really. He was always well dressed.

Tang Yao- " Me too" Everyone looked at her incredulously. Most of the time she was in oversized sweatpants, loose sweatshirt and her hair in a bun. Yes, she was beautiful but never dressed well.

Seeing their stares, she colored slightly and quickly left. They reached the market in silence as they walked to the stall selling fish.  Since it was a crowded market, he held her hand lightly as they navigated.

Lu Sicheng- " Every time I come here , it takes off a year of my life. Hold on to me. Don't let go, lest we get lost"

Tang Yao -" I didn't know you had a pierced ear. The stud looks good on you. Why don't you wear it more often?"

Lu Sicheng smiled, " For the same reason you don't dress like this every day. You look lovely"

She colored again and pointed at the place selling different colored small fishes. She dragged him towards it.

Tang Yao- " Oh! look at the golden ones. They shimmer in the light. So pretty. Shall I get you this?"

Lu Sicheng- " I always get black ones. I want black"

Tang Yao- " But these are more festive and pretty"

As they debated , the stall vendor came over and told Lu Sicheng- " Young man, listen to your girlfriend. They win in the end anyway and if they lose, well, its a loss for us too, if you know what I mean" and winked at him.

Tang Yao was about to correct his presumption when Lu Sicheng said, " I'll get the gold ones. But I want two of them" She paid and they walked towards the car.

Tang Yao noticed they weren't heading in the direction of the house. " Where are we going?"

Lu Sicheng- " We're all dressed up. It's a shame to go back so early.  I thought you might like some lunch. After all, I promised I'd get you a cheeseburger"

Tang Yao recalled snippets of the night. She was mortified when she remembered how she had tucked herself into his arms and demanded a cheeseburger. " I ...was drunk. It's okay really. You don't have to do this"

Lu Sicheng- " I keep all my promises. Besides, we should go to a place that is more suited to how dressed up we are." They enjoyed light banter and a delicious lunch. She was surprised at just how much she really enjoyed his company. They could talk about taxes and it would be interesting for her. When they were done, he suggested they watch a movie.

She was about to decline but then he suggested they watch the latest Fast and Furious. She really loved cars, damn this man for picking the ideal movie. When he sensed her hesitation, he said, " I rarely get to watch English movies with people. Normally Yu Ming is the only one who will come with me, but after he started seeing the good doctor, well, let's just say I don't ever want to be a third wheel with them again"

They walked into the movie theater and as the lights dimmed, Tang Yao spotted FNC's Kun. She whispered in Lu Sicheng's ear, " Isn't that FNC's Kun? Who is that girl with him? She's not his girlfriend"

She was so close to him that her breath was tantalizing. He collected himself and said, " It's really none of our business shortie. Let's just watch the movie"

Tang Yao- " But, its wrong...."

She still sneaked glances at them and after she saw them start to make out, she quickly turned away. For the rest of the movie she focused on the screen in front of her somewhat unsuccessfully. One part of her brain was still processing Kun's affair while the other was acutely focused on the man next to her. The tension between them was palpable. She resisted the urge to entwine her fingers in his and lean on his shoulder.

After the movie, they made their way out of the theater and ran into some of their fans. Tang Yao debated hiding but she knew it would be futile anyway. She decided to face them head on since she didn't have anything to hide.

The fans they met were very nice to them. One girl asked shyly, " You and ge make such a wonderful pair. So, is it true, are you together?"

She waited for Lu Sicheng to say something but he just smiled.

Tang Yao clarified hastily- " Haha . No no. We just came out to the market on our day off. We both like cars, so we decided to watch a movie that's all. There's nothing else to it"

When they reached home, Lu Sicheng said gazing deeply into her eyes, " Thanks for the fish. I had fun today"

His intense gaze made her swallow. Tang Yao was forced to admit she had a good time as well, " Me too", she manged a smile.

Lu Yiu greeted them at the door, " It's 6 in the evening. Where were you all day?"

Tang Yao deadpanned " Buying fish."

Lu Sicheng stifled a smile  as he heard Little Fatty ask, " All day? Sister, we are not fools"

Tang Yao- " Umm... we watched the new Fast and Furious movie. Come little Fatty, I'll you the entire story"

Little Fatty- " No no no...I want to watch it , don't spoil it for me" Everyone was successfully distracted after that.

That day as Tang Yao lay in bed, three things were clear to her 1/ She was irrevocably inexplicably and absolutely attracted to Lu Sicheng 2/ She had no idea what was on his mind- he was constantly hot and cold 3/ She was 100% certain she didn't want to date him or any other gamer. The recent string of events in her life with gamers lately had left a bad taste in her mouth.

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