I'll rise up

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A/N - Chapter title from an Andra Day song "  And I'll rise up, I'll rise like the day
I'll rise up, I'll rise unafraid, I'll rise up, And I'll do it a thousand times again"

After the Little T debacle, Tang Yao had completely shut down emotionally. She spoke very little and focused all her time and energy on the impending finals, which was in two days. She behaved normally for the most part, but the boys could tell that something was wrong. The Lu brothers made a silent pact not to share anything with the rest of the house and simply said, " It is a personal matter regarding her family. Don't ask her any questions."

Lu Sicheng tried his best to get her to open up to him. Every time he tried, she changed the subject or told him to drop it. She felt like a shell of the warm person he had met a few months ago. He racked at his brain thinking about what he could do to give her that sense of security and comfort, but was coming up empty. ZGDX played in the finals, and with the mood that Tang Yao was in, it was a massacre. They won the heavily one sided game in two rounds. For a brief moment, he had seen a ghost of a real smile on her face. Not the fake one that she kept plastered on her face for the cameras. Most of the players' families had turned up to the finals, but predictably Tang Yao's family hadn't.

Mama Lu had secretly cornered Lu Yiu to inquire about Tang Yao after sensing that something was wrong with her. She coaxed, cajoled and prodded Lu Yiu until he had broken down and revealed everything that occurred to her. Recounting the incident had brought tears to his eyes, "I'm so sorry mama. I caused you and ge so much trouble over the years. Seeing sister-in-law's plight has opened my eyes. I will be responsible." Mama Lu's heart felt heavy listening to everything the poor girl had faced and yet admired her resolve as she moved through life with grace and poise.  Lu Yiu shared one more tidbit with mama before he escaped, " Ge told her that he loves her. I thought you should know". Mama smiled thinking, the girl could use some love and support in her life for sure.

As they got off stage, Lu Sicheng grabbed Tang Yao's hand dragging her to a taxi. " Where are we going?", she asked confused. Lu Sicheng responded bundling her into the cab, " To the airport. We are going to Vegas." Tang Yao was shocked, " I thought we were leaving early next week. I didn't bring my passport. I haven't packed. I can't go now"

Lu Sicheng clarified, " We -as in you and I are flying out tonight. The rest of the team won't arrive till the end of next week. You don't need to worry about anything. I packed all your stuff. I found your passport too. Don't worry, I packed the good underwear" and winked at her.

She hadn't recovered from her shock till she found herself seated again in the first class lounge waiting to board a plane to Vegas. He had practically shoved her into the lounge spa where she was getting a massage and people were waiting on her hand and foot. She thought to herself, ' What a thoughtful man. How did he know that I needed to get out and get away from all of this? And he packed? Lord knows what he packed. Well, no matter. The thought counts. I have plenty of savings and I can buy what I need.' That was true. She had done well for herself. The college practically paid her to study, she had saved up enough from her jobs as a researcher and she still received some patent money. Plus, she was paid by ZGDX to play. She wasn't rich, but she had enough to live comfortably. After all, she never did rely on her parents for anything. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she closed her eyes finally enjoying the massage.

Now thoroughly relaxed, Tang Yao emerged from the spa, kissed Lu Sicheng fully on the lips not caring who was watching and whispered in his ear, " I love you too" He smiled broadly at her. He had done the right thing. After racking his brain for days, he had realized that the best way to cheer her up was to take her to a country that only conjured good memories for her. With that, the love birds were Vegas bound!

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