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That night as she washed up to go to bed, Tang Yao got a video call from Jinyang.

Jinyang - " Finally! I have been calling you for an hour now. Weren't you supposed to be back an hour ago?"

Unthinkingly a tired Tang Yao replied, " We took a later flight"

Jinyang- " We? Who's we? Wait who gave you those beautiful flowers on the table behind you? Where are the pictures from your graduation?"

Realizing it was futile to hide, Tang Yao recounted the entire chain of events leading up to that evening to Jinyang. She listened without interruptions and replied seriously, " No need to say anything more. I will start preparing for your and Cheng-ge's wedding"

Tang Yao rolled her eyes, " He came because he felt sorry for me. Besides, didn't I tell you, he treats the whole team like family and keeps buying them things. You read too much into everything"

Jinyang snorted and said sarcastically, " Sure, he rushed back, flew you first class, bought you flowers and had a romantic meal with you. I'm sure he does that for Little Fatty" Tang Yao shook her head refusing to believe and thought, 'Thank god I didn't mention that I kissed his cheek. Otherwise, Jinyang will start preparing my dowry' , she blushed.

Jinyang continued," My friend, you are once bitten, twice shy. You are being obtuse and refusing to see what is so obviously in front of you. Cheng-ge is no Jian Yang. He has a clean reputation and is a good man. Even his rivals speak so well of him. You snagged a good one."

Tang Yao - " Come on, we've only known each other a few days. You are making it out to be more that what it is"

Jinyang- " Making out, that's what you should do with him. Make sure you really thank him for today, wink wink" she laughed. Tang Yao refused to think that and ended the conversation, " I missed you today. I have an early day tomorrow. Super tired. Need to crash" and hung up. Her dreams that night were filled with her in a white dress and the captain in a black tux. Yawning widely, she found the entire team downstairs by the time she came down. 

Lu Yiu- " So, what should I call you Oh dear sister in law?" Tang Yao said " Huh? What?", extremely confused. The brothers had caught up last night and Lu Yiu knew all about Smiling. He had previously been Ming God's substitute mid before an incident had changed everything.

Tang Yao - " Look, I haven't had my coffee yet so my brain is still booting up. I saw you last night, but it didn't register, who are you? And why do you look a bit like our captain". She had slept so restlessly that she had a splitting headache and desperately needed coffee.

Lu Yiu- " Who am I? Dear sister, is that anyway to greet your brother in law? Or your future team mate"

Tang Yao- " What brother in law? What team mate?"

Little Fatty yelled glaring daggers at him " What team mate? You have some audacity coming here and showing your face"

Even K and Old Cat looked a little angry. Hearing the tone of little fatty's voice made Tang Yao instantly alert. Little Fatty seemed to huff on the couch angrily while the others just looked uneasy. ' Where is Lu Sicheng?' thought Tang Yao as she got a text from Jiyang that said [watch this video] She went to the balcony to watch the clip. The clip showed the new boy in the living room, Lu Yiu fighting with another team JK last year and Ming-ge breaking up the fight with his fist subsequently injuring it. She was still processing this when she heard shouting in the living room. She rushed in to see Little Fatty yelling- "You come here as if you did nothing wrong. Just because your brother owns half the team, it doesn't give you the right to come here. You are the sole reason we had to withdraw from the finals last year"

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